Chapter 38

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I headed off in the direction Rei pointed.

I was alone in the city now.

It feels so nice to be alone in places where no one knows who I am. I love the feeling of being anonymous until I decide not to be.

Anything I do or say in public will be forgotten in the wind moments later. I'll never see anyone here again unless I make the conscious effort to do so.

This city makes me feel free.

I walked for about 10 minutes with a wide grin on my face, then I arrived at the residential district.

It was definitely a tourist filled area, but that's what I am too. Most of the buildings were 5-10 stories tall. Some were older looking, others were newly built and higher class.

I walked towards one that seemed to be in the middle range of affordability. I want to stay somewhere nice, but not too pricey.

The building was tall and grey with bluish white windows. I walked through the front door and was immediately greeted by a short man with a button up vest and a long black gelled mustache that protruded from his face on either side.

He was sitting behind a long wooden check-in desk.

"Welcome to the Element Inn, how can I help you today Sir?"

"I'd like to get a room. A single, nothing special."

The man nodded and looked at a pile of papers.

"Our going rate is 1 silver a night, how long would you like to stay?"

"1 silver a night?? I-Uhm, could I get a discount for staying a full week? I'm new to the city."

He nodded and sifted through his papers again. This is clearly tourist pricing, they're making a killing. It wouldn't hurt to ask for a little discount.

"A single bed and bath, I can do 5 silver for a 7 night stay. You'll be on the top floor."


I smiled and counted out 5 silver on the table in front of me. This hotel is pricey... Honestly this whole city is pricey. I need to start making some money, I'm almost out of the reserves i brought with me.

The Inn keeper took my silver and handed me a key. It had dark black letters printed on it "1011".

"Tenth floor, room 11. There's an elevator around that corner. Maids will come to clean your room everyday at noon, checkout is 7 days from now at 11am. Got it?"

"Yes. Thank you."

I walked away from the man waving as I got in the elevator.

He didn't even ask for my ID. That was odd.


The elevator stopped at the 10th floor and I stepped out to walk down the hall towards my room.

I twisted the key and walked inside.

It was actually a bit nicer than I expected. There's a large bed in the center of the room and a bathroom with a shower included.

The linen on the bed is white and a lamp stood on the bedside table next to a large glass window that filled up the entire back wall of the room. 

The window had a slight bluish tint. I guess that was just the hotel's aesthetic, It looks pretty modern.

The view outside the window is a pretty amazing. The sun is setting, I can see all the neon signs and outlines of people walking around in the residential district.

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