Chapter 145

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I bring the small black crystal in my hand up to my lips. The words of the white-haired merchant repeat over and over in my mind.

"It's a mana output boosting drug that's used for wars and important missions... This Fragment must be pretty powerful..."

I gulp, looking down at the glistening stone. After learning what these gems can do, my body is aching to try it. On the other hand, my mind is telling me no. Ever since I left my mana-rich cell within the Titans Domain, the lack of MP in the air comes nowhere close to the richness of energy I felt before.

These stones must be some kind of residual link between our realm and the deteriorated pocket world of the fallen Void Creepers. The latent power stored up in one of these must be near limitless.

It probably feels incredible. Plus, this could be extra training for my mana control... right?

I open my telepathic link between myself and the Dragon flying away from me.

"Ember, I have one last task for you before I'm off."

"Of course, what will it be?"

"Watch me closely for a minute, I'm going to try something... stupid... If anything goes wrong, well, try and help me I guess."

"... Understood, Master."

The glossy black-scaled Dragon changes direction and drifts down toward me as I bring the shiny gem closer and closer to my mouth. It leaves my fingertips and rolls down my tongue, then I swallow it whole without a second thought.

My eyes dart back and forth as I look down at my empty palms. The dungeon falls deathly silent as I try to sense any changes taking place... I can hear myself swallow extra saliva to help the smooth crystal go down easier...

Nothing happens...

I hear Ember's voice echo in my mind as he comes within sight.

"I'm here. What is it that you'd like me to observe."

"Just... a moment..."

I can feel something tightening up in my chest. It's an odd warm sensation. Pins and needles start to prickle in my arms and legs, accompanied by a sudden head rush that feels both cool and hot at the same time. My eyes roll back into my head and my body goes almost comely limp.

I let out a distorted yell of pleasure mixed with pain as I struggle to stay conscious and stay on my feet.

Activating my All-Seeing Eye, the sensations taking over my body begin to make a lot more sense. The tiny stone I ingested moments ago is beginning to dissolve. It seems my theory wasn't too far off...

A miniature reverse black hole is forming in the center of my chest. As it grows, dense waves of mana are seeping out faster and faster. My body is attempting to absorb it even without my plundering ability. It's mana in its rawest form, similar to the liquid in an MP potion, just hundreds of times stronger.

I clench my jaw and take out both my blades, responding to my newest revelations while fighting the feeling of pure bliss taking over my mind. The tingling sensation in my limbs is growing worse and the sharp pressure in my chest is becoming harder to stand.

My vision is blurry, but I've been in worse situations before... I can handle this....

Letting out another yell, this one more full of agony than pleasure. I begin transferring the excess mana surging through my veins into my blades. They glow red and white, to surpassingly charge 15000MP in less than 10 seconds.

These levels of mana and charging speed are close to my peak within the Titan's domain, I haven't gotten near this in the outside world since...

With a powerful step forward I release 2 crescents of energy, high into the sky. They rip through the air and fly deep into the dungeon. Before I can even admire my increase in speed and mana capacity, I've already instinctively begun charging another attack.

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