Chapter 111

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I'm hit with an extreme wave of humidity and heat. The air is overwhelmingly thick with mana and steam, it's hard to breathe or see clearly further than 10-15m ahead of me. I grit my teeth and attempt to take a deep breath in through my nose.

The dank stench of sulfur fills my lungs as I look around to take in the view with squinted eyes while gripping both of my daggers tightly.

This is the boss room...

Hard red rock stretches out underneath us in all directions for about 100m on every side. There are cracks in the floor gushing lava with plumes of smoke rising high up into the jet-black sky.

The ground is very flat but there are many obstacles in our way. Complementing the occasional pools of lava, there are pillars of jagged stone and massive boulders strewn about.

I immediately activate enemy detection and inspect to locate any incoming threats.

The low hissing sound of the slow-flowing lava fills my ears as I focus on the numbers popping up in my mind's eye.


[Lv. 356]


[Lv. 334]

[Lv. 332]


[Lv. 320]

[Lv. 320]

[Lv. 320]

[Lv. 320]

The ground starts to rumble and I yell out to my team.

"Everyone! We've got four monsters incoming! They won't be hard, but we need to get rid of them fast!"

I watch Rodrigo jump backward on top of a high pillar of stone. It appears he'll be surveying us from above.

Bruce springs into action the moment words leave my mouth.

"Nessa and Maria, I'll defend with my hammer. You two concentrate on landing hits. Abby, be our support from behind."

He gives me a firm nod, then the girls follow him close behind. I reply.

"You take out two of them, Arie and I can handle the others."

With that, we were off.

The 6 of us sprint forward into the white cloud of smoke griping our weapons and getting ready for war. The faint sounds of grunts and shrieks slowly become louder and louder until four 3m tall red-skinned Ogres come into view.

They charge at us with their shields steady and swords held high.

I grit my teeth and look over to Arie, then turn to the two Ogres nearest to us. We both jump into action, readying our blades and sprinting off to the right side to face our opponents.

I use my wind magic to give myself a boost, kicking off the air every step of the way. As I approach my selected charging red-skinned beast I go to activate my stat-boosting skills but hesitate for a moment.

I take a look at the monster I'm about to fight, then weigh the pros and cons of using my previously hidden abilities.

Most people in this boss room already know I'm a multi-skill user. When it comes to Maria, Nessa, Abby, or even Bruce I'd be happy to let them in on my secret if they asked. I don't mind Arie knowing I have a few extra tricks up my sleeve either, but I'd still like to get to know him better...

The only one I'm truly worried about it Rodrigo, and well, the Association as a whole.

I let out a frustrated grunt as I come within 5m of the charging High Ogre in front of me. I can smell its breath and see the monstrous range built up in its eyes.

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