Chapter 58

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I look around to see all my new team members fighting for their lives in battle.

The team of 3 has done some pretty good work on their Minotaur, with a little more time they'll be able to finish it off.

Nessa is visibly exhausted, but she's landed a few good hits on the boss with me so far. If I had to guess, I'd say it still has 90% of its HP left. There's no way we'll be able to beat it with the strategy we're working with now.

I'm out of axes to throw, I left my sword on the ground about 20m away, and we're running out of time. Hudson has 30 seconds left of his stat buff at best.

The boss begins to sprint towards me grunting and cracking the earth beneath its massive legs.

I have to think.... This is the moment in every battle where I feel the most alive. I'm calm, but on the edge of my breaking point as well. My brain is working on overdrive, flashing every past battle experience over and over in my head trying to use instinctive pattern recognition to solve my current predicament. It's the most stressful, yet best feeling in the world.

The boss is less than 10m away from me now, it's seconds away from a brutal attack. At this moment an idea finally popped into my head. I yelled to Nessa and positioned my arm backward in the direction of my fallen sword.

"Hey! How many MP potions do you have on you?"

She yelled back.

"Just one left!"

I smirked as I used telekinesis to make my sword fly back into my right hand.


The moment I gripped my sword the Minotaurs axe came down. I created a thick wall of crystal hardening on the front side of my body and took on the majority of the blow with my sword.


I watched my sword begin to splinter in front of my eyes as the axe pushed me backward. This beast overpowered me again. It followed through with its strike and broke my sword in two. The axe slammed into my torso and shattered my black crystal armor throwing me backward sliding a solid 15m across the rocky ground.

While coughing up blood I checked my status. It read out 275/950 HP and 540/950 MP. I have to put my final plan into action now if we want to have any chance of surviving this. I chugged my last HP potion and watched the boss quickly turn towards Nessa.

I stood out in the open with half a sword and a malicious grin across my face while igniting into flames. I threw my broken sword at the Minotaur's head and used telekinesis to ensure a direct hit.


The dull piece of metal hit the back of its head and the beast shifted its focus back to me. I yelled to Nessa.

"Take that MP potion to Hudson right now! I'll distract it! Use Mimic on Hudson's skill and give me a double buff. This is our only chance!"

Her eyes went wide and nodded. Nessa ran towards Hudson while the boss stared me down getting ready for another attack.

We're almost 100m away from Hudson. I have to stall for as long as I can.

The boss charged. I just ran away. There's no point in fighting for these next 10 seconds. All I have to do is distract it for a little bit longer.

I sprinted far away from everyone. With the Minotaur inching closer and closer every second all I'm focusing on is how fast I can move my feet.

5 seconds later...

The boss is right on my tail. It's less than 10m away from me, but I don't dare look back.

5 more seconds go by, my lungs are burning and my legs have never moved this fast. I feel the ground cracking under every step I take. The beast's breath is hitting my back. I've run out of time...

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