Chapter 152

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As the swordsman lowers his dark blue blade and deactivates his magic skills, I watch in awe. He looks at me with a satisfied smirk as the clearly summoned water around his feet seeps into the recently upturned soil.

He throws the blade in his hand to the ground and stretches both of his arms out wide.

"Come on, I'll give you one more shot. I won't even use a single skill to block you this time around."

His dark eyes pierce the thick air between us, making direct contact with my own. His white teeth peek out from the crooked grin across his face, and he remains unguarded in the middle of the empty field.

I activate my skills and charge my blades again, glowing golden red, filled with an odd sense of rage.

"Get ready."

Plundering the MP from even more of my leftover MP crystals, I begin to eat away at my supply just to show off. So much for my plans of staying low-key. Teaching this so-called "Elite" a lesson is more important right now.

It takes just under 30 seconds for me to charge both of my blades nearly to full power. There's over 10k MP in both of them combined. Letting out another reality-tearing attack, the white and black crescents of mana-imbued elemental mana rocket toward the defenseless Elite C-Class.

Another explosion of wind and fire throws rock and dirt in all directions. I watch the red-haired hunter, Rylan, run behind the back wall of the Inn to escape the blast. This time the destructive fireball is close to double the size of my last attack.

That cocky blue-haired hunter thought that was the best I could do and lowered his guard. Let's see how well he faired against this one.

I smirk, letting the dust cloud clear.

As it does, I hear the familiar slow clapping sound coming from within the dispersing sediments.

"Well done, well done. I am definitely going to have some fun with you. The Director picked out an interesting brat for me to train after all."

My eyes open wide, seeing the Elite C-Class hunter standing untouched on the same small patch of grass in the middle of the field.

Blinking a few times, then swallowing hard, I think back to the moment before impact....

Both of my attacks definitely hit him straight on, right across his chest in fact. There was no water magic blocking my attacks, it's like It hit an invisible shield...

I couldn't get a close enough look before the explosion of red and white light to see what happened at the exact moment of impact.

The blue-haired man walks over to me while placing his sword back into his item box.

"I was going back to sleep, but now that there's some excitement I'll stay up a little bit longer. Let's grab some lunch and talk over a few more details before our training starts tomorrow. Conway's cooking ain't half bad, just don't order the fish..."

I awkwardly stare straight ahead, still puzzled at his ability to completely nullify my attack. Plus, this easygoing attitude he's put on after I basically just tried to kill him over nothing....

Is he really that much stronger than me...?

I reply in a low tone.

"I'd rather not wait for tomorrow, I was planning on climbing today..."

I gulp while putting my blades away into item storage.

"...and what's wrong this the fish?"

He throws his arm around my shoulder with a chuckle.

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