Chapter 166

1.5K 102 12

Ember is already fast asleep, slowly draining the mana from the near-endless supply all around us.

I'm doing the same, on a much small scale....

With a grin across my face, I begin charging up my flaming sword. While doing so, I reach into my item storage to grab my dagger while whispering under my breath.

"It's been a while,  hasn't it?"

Both weapons pulse red and white as I begin filling them with the dense mana surrounding us that I've missed so much...

I start right where I left off the last time I was in this place. The difference is, I have no worries about being trapped in here forever.

I have food supplies that'll last me for months, assurance that I'll leave in 10 days, and I have a concrete goal in mind.

During my last trial in the Titan's Domain, I used up about 10 million MP.

It's gotten me this far, but I need to make some major upgrades. The most important thing I need to work on is replicating those paper-thin slashes, but easily charging a full bar of MP into them.

I'm level 409. So just over 2000MP is nearly a full bar. I'd like to be able to charge one up in just a few seconds so I can actually battle these monsters without using cheap tricks and wearing myself out completely after one fight.

My final attack on that Berskerer took over 60 seconds to charge, and I only managed to let out 200MP at the proper hair-thin width. I'm setting out to improve over 10x in both speed and power.

I'm not quite sure yet how much MP I'll have to process in order to achieve this, but that's my goal. If I can even come close, this will be a success in my mind.

I decide to let loose for a bit, but overall take day 1 rather slow.

Glowing gold and red, enjoying the abundance of free mana in the air, I begin to let out attack after attack at the white walls all around me.

They tear open large holes, letting me peer out into the void for a few seconds at a time before they heal up completely.

My already sore body from the intense training outside allows for 10 10k strikes, this is 5k MP per blade. It's just a warm-up, and it gets me used to this mana-rich environment again.

End of Day 1: 100k MP consumed.

Total MP consumed: 100k MP

I take it easy and pull out my pillow, a few comics, and a blanket along with some fresh fruit.

Overusing mana makes me very tired. I drift off to sleep within a few hours.

This may be the beginning to one of my most intense training sessions, but I'd like to take it slow. In here, all I have is time after all.

The Titan's Domain has been a nightmare in the back of my mind ever since I left it. Maybe I can turn this place into a vacation spot instead.

I wake up the next morning and get to work.

I need to get my body used to using more MP every day, along with trying to fit more and more energy into a smaller strike. I won't aim for any specific parameters at first, I'll just go with how I feel.

In the outside world, my MP exhaustion limit is around a quarter million MP points. At that point, my body completely gives up on me. That's with self regeneration being taken into account.

In here, It's at least double that. With so much energy in the air, it makes healing and releasing attacks much easier on my tired muscles and bones.

End of Day 2: 500k MP

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