Chapter 112

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I lock eyes with the gigantic High Ogre King.

The monster's silver and gold blades shine bright as the monster erupts its entire body into a ball of flames.

This beast is using all my tricks... and I can't even use fire to fight back.

Arie's voice calls out from beside me.

"Jay! Focus!"


Upon hearing my teammates yell, I lift my daggers above my head to block the incoming blade of the mutant we'd previously been fighting.

I'm still glowing with a radiant golden crimson aura. I reply to Arie while letting out a grunt and slashing upwards with wind magic to deflect the monster's sword.

"Let's take out this mutant quickly so we can focus on the boss!"

He nods firmly and darts in as our immediate enemy loses its balance from my powerful thrust.

I take aim and whip both my daggers at its head while the beast regains its balance. With a rude snarl, the red-skinned mutant blocks one of my daggers with a swift movement of its blade. Arie runs in from below as my second shining dagger narrowly curves around the sharp edge of its sword.

I smirk while sinking a lone dagger into its neck ripping through flesh and drawing blood using telekinesis from a distance.

The monster is getting double-teamed. Its cool and calm facade from earlier begins to break down the more attacks we land. The monster lets out a painful roar leaning backward giving Arie just enough room to sink both of his own daggers deep in its back.

Blood spurts all around us as the ominous thudding noises of the enormous boss approach. It's less than 10m away and charging in quickly with two blades ready to kill.

I twist my head back and forth to make sure I won't be ambushed, then yell at the top of my lungs.

"Arie! Cover me and stall the boss for 10 seconds. I'll end this mutant!"

Again, he firmly nods and plants his feet changing directions to face the boss without hesitation.

I reach into my item box and replace one of my daggers with an HP potion, then stare down the mutant as it readies its sword and adjusts its shield.

The monster is dripping blood from head to toe, covered in deep wounds, but still standing proudly. It won't give up until its HP hits zero. Luckily, I know just how to make that happen.


In an instant, I disappear from the mutant's sight. It blinks rapidly, then begins turning its head back and forth while glowing with its golden strength buff.

The moment I turn invisible, I dart around it making virtually no noise at all. In the confusion, I devise a perfect plan.

It begins swinging its sword and roaring loudly while stomping its feet trying to find me by any means. The King is quickly approaching and it needs to complete its job as a boss room guard.

I grin as I make my way to its backside and jump in the air piercing its spine with one of my daggers deep enough that my entire fist makes contact with its skin.

"Equivalent Exchange."

I input 1500 damage, and brace for impact. The white light appears all around my body along with the sensation of a thousand tiny swords piercing me over and over.

I grit my teeth and immediately bring the HP portion to my lips rejuvenating most of my health. The monster before me shrieks out in agony as the life force gets stripped away from it by force.

Dungeon Diver: Stealing a Monster's PowerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora