Chapter 105

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The bone-white serpent opens its mouth to show off a pair of razor-sharp curved fangs then dives in to attack. I hear another clang of metal on metal as Bruce blocks it with his shield.

The tank's feet dig deep into the ground as the snake pushes his body backward. Maria lets out a battle cry as she jumps in for an attack of her own.

She jumps over the ongoing attack to release an Ice-filled slash with her sword all the way down the snake's spine. A thick layer of frozen magic forms on the monster's back as it lets out a hiss and arches back away from Bruce.

I watch Abby run at the beast as well, the ground rippling beneath her feet. Two large spears of stone protrude from the ground on either side of her, with a forceful hand gesture they hurdle at the monstrous snake.

Nessa jumps in to do her part as well, with a fiery slash she aims for the beast's neck to finish it off.


On impact, the spears of stone hardly puncture the tough serpent's scaly skin. Nessa's sword bounces off like a bat on rubber, and the snake violently shakes its body to shatter the layer of Ice on its backside. The beast lets out a loud hiss staring the four of them down with newfound hatred.

Again, a wave of intimidation is released and the battle continues.

The white serpent's perfectly placed scales have been broken in 3 places along its back. Two small wounds drip blood from the spears of stone, and one larger long slash still glows blue from magic Ice residue. Overall, its HP couldn't have dropped more than 10 to 15% in total, but it's a start...

I use inspect and appraisal.

[Lv. 312]

Active Items:

[Serpent's Scale] +40% Mental Strength +40% Magic Resistance

Active Skills:


Bruce charges forward with his shield out front and the massive war hammer at the ready. With a loud clash, the battle continues. Bruce fends off the beast as its angrily bites at his shield while Abby, Nessa, and Maria chip away at its health.

The only one doing any real damage seems to be Maria, but she is still having a semi-difficult time piercing its thick magic resistant armored scales.

The four of them attack and dodge in perfect synchronicity 6 more times in total. Bruce keeps positioning himself at perfect angles to take the brute force attacks while Nessa distracts it from the side. Abby and Maria are the quickest and their attacks do the most damage.

With a final Icey swing of her sword, Maria finally freezes the serpent's neck solid. The beast hisses loudly as Abby keeps it pinned to the ground. The blue wave of magic covers its head moments later and the monster stops moving once completely encased in ice.

The 4 of them grin with excitement and open their statuses moments later. I walk over to them as the snake dissolves.

"Did you all gain a good amount of levels? To face one of those alone, you'll need quite a bit more."

They all nod in agreement as a large pink mana crystal drops to the floor. Bruce picks it up and tosses it to Maria, then turns to me.

"Yeah. As a team, that snake was easy to figure out. Alone is a whole different story. We're all going to need to learn how they fight, and grow a bit ourselves too!"


The sound of a huge branch breaking makes me whip my head around o see an identical predator slithering our way.

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