Chapter 148

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A grin starts to creep across my face as the words "Vice City Labyrinth" come out of the Director's mouth.

Every time this Labyrinth is brought up, everyone always makes it sound so exclusive and impossible to enter. All I need to do is get in one time, then I'll have unlimited access... Forever. Finally, there's a way in.

I reply, failing to hide the goofy grin on my face.

"Oh yeah? The labyrinth...?

Brutus nods, then sits back in his chair eyeing me up and down curiously.

"This week, there has been a rise in minor dungeon breaks near our county's northern border. They've begun to drift downward nearing the Vice Region. This exact same pattern occurs every single surge. Unfortunately, there has been less and less time between each surge. As I said earlier, we'll be sending a few teams out to the Dark Continent within 10 days to alleviate the excess mana build-up. I'd like for the 4 of you to be part of this expedition."

Silence fills the room once again as I think over all of this proposal the Director has thrown at me, then reply with another question.

"So... let me get all of this straight. You gave all the new recruits near-impossible tasks just to see who would be the best fit to join the other Elite squads on a Dark Continent raid mission? "

He nods confirming the answer as I continue.

"We passed your test, so this week, the 4 of us have been assigned to special individual training to prepare us for this raid?"

He nods again.

I smirk.

"Maybe you're not so bad, Mr. Director.... Is there anything I need to know about this Behemoth before taking it out?"

I pause, then jump back in for one last question.

"Oh... also... where is the Vice City Labyrinth...?"

The old man lets out a laugh.

"I hope I continue to grow on you. Your clearance for the Labyrinth has been updated. Ask any of the guards at the Dungeon Hub to scan your ID and they will show you the way in. The only reason I'm letting a new C-Class in unsupervised is because of your ability to handle Titans. The Behemoth may be at a similar or even greater difficulty level, so you must be entirely prepared before facing it."

I nod firmly as the Director continues.

"The Behemoth is the 20th-floor boss that separates regular hunters from the Elite. Less than 5% of hunters ever make it to a C-Class rank. Of that 5%, only 1% ever move on to the next stage. How many B-Class or higher-rated hunters have you seen? Not including me, or Rodrigo..."

I think to myself for a moment, then reply.

"None. I haven't thought about it much until now.... Everyone does seem to slow down after level 250 or so. Is it really that difficult to level up past C-Class?"

The old man nods slowly and clicks a small button on the side of his desk.

"Once you begin to climb the labyrinth, I believe you'll understand."

The wall slides open, and my teammates walk out followed by Samantha. The Director stands up and puts out his hand, I put out mind to shake it.


The elevator door opens and our meeting abruptly comes to an end as a few men in suits come walking in. Brutus gives me a smile as I turn to go.

"I'm a busy man, it's unfortunate we couldn't talk longer today. I'll see you soon Jay, good luck on your mission this week."

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