Chapter 179

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I run past the pile of scrap metal on the floor that happened to be my last opponent and get ready to face off against the 3 suits of armor running my way.

With my All-Seeing Eye still active and burning MP like a furnace, the thin strands of mana above their heads look like glowing targets begging to be hit.

Using my wind magic to propel each footstep forward, I make cracks in the stone tiles below my feet as I rocket at the approaching Knights.

They swing their blades, but I jump in the air and dodge the slow-moving silver swords with ease.

My weapon is covered in mana, seeping out from its already MP-saturated core. Dark red trails of mana-imbued fire magic leave my sword as it glides through the air hitting each strand one by one as I fly over the Knights below.

There's a light buzzing sound on impact, followed by a click as each strand breaks, then the clang of metal armor on the stone courtyard floor.

All 3 of them fall to the ground before I even land myself.

I smirk, looking up at the long line of Knights that all turn their heads to me in synchronicity. All of them lift their swords and charge in a predictable formation.

I let out a laugh as fire surrounds me and I jump back into battle while drinking another MP potion and Dungeon Walking into the middle of a sea of Knights.

With a combination of Air Steps and Dungeon Walks, I zip around the courtyard as the Knights pointlessly swing their swords. My speed and agility outmatch them, and all it takes is a single precise strike to their power source to defeat them completely.

Just 30 seconds and 4 MP potions later, I'm standing on a pile of swords and armor without a trace of mana in sight.

The strands of thin energy fade away into the dungeon air.

I raise my sword up at the iron gate of the castle.

"Is that all you got!?"

I chuckle, letting my flames die down and deactivating my stat-boosting skills to take a look at the scene before me.

Letting out a sigh, my link with Ember opens and the Dragon speaks up before I can get a word in.

"Very good work Master, you've improved a lot since our last battle. I can tell you're still holding back."

I bend down to examine the armor on the ground with a smirk before replying.

"Yeah, I can't wait to go all out..."

Aside from the first Knight I faced, all of these new armor pieces and swords are basically untouched. There isn't a scratch on them.

I walk around the courtyard examining each item, waiting for them to dissolve into the dungeon floor. This is how regular mobs act once defeated... but I guess these aren't regular mobs.

Come to think of it, I didn't even gain a single level form defeating any of these Knights. They're all level 430 right?

"What's going on here...?"

I scratch my chin, continuing to walk around the abandoned courtyard waiting for something to happen.

Nothing does...

Ember speaks up through our link.

"This armor won't dissolve if that's what you're waiting for. It's non-native dungeon armor, most likely from outside this Labyrinth."

I look up, slightly puzzled.

"Non-native dungeon armor? Like hunter's armor?"

Ember nods.

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