Chapter 139

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I stand in the middle of The Great Plains Dungeon rolling the black coin-sized gem around in my right hand while watching Ember flap his wings high above me.

"This must be a Strengthening Fragment"

I turn my head to see a massive crater on the dungeon's floor. It stretches nearly 50m in diameter, and the debris is scattered even further away on all sides. This is where I knocked down that Titan, and fell into its domain almost a full month ago. It seems like In the end, I won the battle and made it back in one piece.

Activating my telepathy skill, I call out to the shimmering jet-black dragon in the sky. It descends gracefully through the air to greet me.

"Jay, you've awoken."

Ember hits the ground with a light thud, sitting obediently with his head held high and long tail waving behind him. I look the creature up and down curiously for a moment. It doesn't look like he's changed at all. The 3rd rank-up must have ended with an incomplete result.

"It seems you haven't evolved any further."

"That's correct. Once the Titan's Domain couldn't handle my absorption rate, along with the attack you threw to disrupt the connection between realms, I was forced awake. We were thrown back into this dungeon hours ago, right after the Void Creeper's link was severed from its pocket dimension. You've been unconscious ever since."

I smile.

This reunion is nice and all, but I need food, water, and rest. My dry lips and caved-in stomach can't take it much longer, I've lost almost 12kg over the last month. I struggle to stay on my feet as I reply.

"I need to leave this dungeon and heal up from our ordeal.... It may be your first time contracted to a human, but I assume you realize things are going to be a lot different this time around. We don't have a labyrinth to protect, so you'll have to serve me in a much different way than a demon."

Ember bows his head as I continue.

"No one can know you're here."

"Of course, humans are quite troublesome creatures. If they were to see me in their realm I- I meant troublesome in a-"

I chuckle out loud.

"I agree. Humans are a bit troublesome aren't they."

Coughing, while activating my perception skills while preparing my dungeon walker ability, I continue.

"Stay at the back of this dungeon and don't come out for any reason. I'll be back as soon as possible with a plan for us to leave when I have a clearer head. It shouldn't take more than a few days. No attacking monsters or hunters while I'm gone. If you die, I die. Got it?"

"Understood. I've waited decades to come back to this realm, a few days is nothing to me."

With a majestic flap of his wings, the 7m long black-scaled dragon shows off its crimson underbelly as it flies into the open sky. With a thin smile, I teleport away.

I decide to go back to the Alpine Starter Dungeon. It's a last-second decision, but the thought of walking through the Dungeon Hub and all the way through the capital seems like a bad idea right now.

Plus, I'd need to get a hotel room and everything, I might collapse before that happens. Going back to my hometown seems like the most logical move. I just hope my landlord isn't too mad... It's been well over a month since I've paid rent.

Moments later, I find myself right next to the entrance of the blue-skied goblin dungeon I know so well. Luckily, it's the middle of the night once I step through the portal back to the outside world.

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