Chapter 52

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The Shaman looked me up and down with bloodshot eyes. There's a peculiar magic aura surrounding it.

I stared it down as well with my sword pointed straight ahead. I'm sure I could defeat this monster in seconds if I went all out, but I want to see what it can do. I've only read about shamans in comics, this is the first one I've actually seen out in a dungeon.

The monster raised its staff and let out a grunt. Its leather pouch opened up and an assortment of silver orbs came flying out.

They were all moving in a circle around the monster, I couldn't quite make out what they were. If I had to guess, they looked like small balls of metal, rocks, or maybe crystals. Again, I've never seen anything like this.

The shaman hissed and pointed its staff right at me. Two of the floating orbs moved out of formation and came rocketing my way.


I blocked them with my sword without much of a problem. The objects were quick, the two that hit my sword were circular metal balls. If I was closer to this shaman's level these orbs would be deadly. I could feel the power behind each of its attacks, its very strong for a level 124.

The monster stared at me while backing up and raised its staff again. Four of the orbs came hurdling towards me.


I easy blocked all of the projectiles again. The shaman shrieked and turned.

"Oh, you're not getting away that easy!"

It was running away from me. What a joke. Some monster this is...

I ignited my sword into flames and followed it into the small cluster of trees.


"AGHHH what th-"

As I followed the monster I was struck in the center of my back with one of those metal orbs. It didn't do any serious damage, but it definitely didn't feel good.

I turned to see half a dozen orbs floating behind me while I chased the shaman into the woods. It's a crafty little monster. It knows it can't beat me straight on, so it's going to do what it can to survive.

I fought off most of the metal orbs, but they kept coming back no matter how many times I hit them. My back is getting bruised up. I wonder what kind of magic this shaman is using...? Whatever it is, this would be a good skill to have.

I could see the monster right in front of me less than 10m away but it keeps diving behind trees and scurrying around while I defend myself from its floating orbs.

I'm getting a bit frustrated. It keeps twisting and turning through this small patch of forest because it knows the layout like the back of its hand. Unlike me, this is the first time I've seen any of this scenery. The monster is hissing and making sound similar to laughter. I think it's enjoying this... I can see the end of the tree patch in sight, it looks like the shaman is heading out soon. Finally, a fight in a wide open field will be much easier for me.

As we neared the edge of the trees I came within 3m of the slimy little creature. I was seconds away from slicing it to pieces. Then, I felt my footing give out.

My vision went blurry and I felt weightless for a moment...


I hit the ground moments later and heard faint footsteps and hissing moving away from me.

It's dark in here... did I really fall for the oldest trick in the book... This Shaman lead me straight into a pitfall and I fell for it. There are a few large wooden spikes at the bottom, but they were poorly constructed. I broke most of them with the impact of my fall, I'm bleeding a little but it's nothing serious.

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