Chapter 117

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I grip my shiny black dagger in my left palm while igniting the flames of my sword in my right.

With a grin ear to ear, I jump through the dark swirling mass of energy in front of me. A mutant boss, this is just what I've been waiting for.

My body materializes on the other side, spawning me into the boss room.

The air is thick. Much thicker than the air outside or any of the previous boss rooms I've been in. I let out a few muffled coughs as the steam and smoke around me fills my lungs with hot fumes.

Using a constant gust of wind magic, I manage to keep the large particles of dust and ash from my mouth so I can concentrate on my surroundings.

The dense mana in the air is close to unbearable. It almost feels like it's about to materialize from the sky and fall to the floor...

Activating enemy detection, I sense the usual two waves of monsters approaching and take care of business. With a few swift air steps and the occasional use of teleportation for better positioning the High Ogres, and their mutant counterparts burn to piles of ash.

They're definitely a little stronger, but nowhere near what I expected. It's kind of a letdown...

"Have I already outgrown this labyrinth? Is it-"

My mumbling gets cut off by heavy footsteps approaching.




I see the familiar sight of large steam clouds instantly turning blood red as a beast emerges.

It has similar proportions to the previous boss, but the wave of even denser mana that fills the air as it approaches is rather off-putting. The beast's skin is much darker red, and its eyes glow with a fiery rage.

The huge Mutant High Ogre King lets out a roar as it readies both of its silver and gold blades staring me down with an intensity hard to match.

I use inspect and appraisal while gritting my teeth. A grin creeps through my clenched jaw.

[Lv. 387]

Active Items:

[High Ogre King's Sword] +55% Strength

[High Ogre King's Sword] +55% Strength

[High Ogre King's Armor Set] +750 Defense +350 Speed +350 Agility

[High Ogre King's Ring] +60% Mental Strength

[High Ogre King's Pendant] +60% Mental Strength

Active Skills:

Dual Wielding [Special Grade]

Combat Magic [Advanced Fire Summoning]


[High Ogre King's Resistance] +70% Magic Resistance

[King's Body Raised in Fire] +70% Extra Fire Resistance

[Blood of a Mutant] +25% All Stats

[Mutant King's Fit of Rage] Hidden Ability

I scan its stats and take into account the subtle changes.

Some of its armor and weapons have increased in strength by a few percent, its fire summoning skill has upgraded to advanced, and there's a brand new buff that adds 25% to all of its base stats...

I gulp but know I'm stacked with overpowered gear as well. If anything, our base stats are close to even. I have the advantage because of my abundant list of skills.

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