Chapter 91

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[Time Remaining Until Test 2: 15 Hours]

I slowly walk over to the slim blond young man. He instantly makes eye contact and waves me over.

"Hey, hey! The name's Tripp, nice to meet ya! Looking to help out in a little dungeon cleanup?"

I continue to approach him slowly, then use inspect and appraisal. He's a bit taller than me, dressed in the casual green and black Hunters Association raiding uniform, doesn't wear any armor, and wears a pair of silver daggers on his waist.

[Lv. 322]

Active Items:

Special Grade Platinum Ring [+55% Mental Strength]

Enchanted Leather Boots [+35% Speed][+35% Agility]

Reinforced Steel Dagger Set [+400 Strength]

Active Skills:

Dagger Mastery

Instant Nullification

I look the man up and down thoroughly. An interesting idea comes to mind, my curiosity gets the better of me sometimes... I reply.

"Sure, I'd be interested in helping a fellow dagger user out. How tough is the break today?"

Tripp's face lights up and he puts out a hand for me to shake.

"Is that right? A fellow dagger user? And you're a C class or what? All we need to do is keep an eye on the exit, it shouldn't be too long until the advanced team takes out the boss. We just need to keep the mutants at bay for a little while."

I shake the man's hand and smile back. After pretending to sift through my item box and reaching around in my pockets I begin to put my sleep-deprived battle-crazed plan into action.

"I left my ID at home, unfortunately. I just came by to check out the commotion. I assume you're all understaffed because of the exams right?"

He nods, then turns to the large black-haired dark-skinned tank, and a petite blond-haired woman.

"Yeah exactly. Either way, we'll be heading out soon. Just wanted to pick up a member or two from the crowd here just in case. We're from the Association by the way, if you couldn't tell by the getups."

He points to his outfit while taking out his ID card to show me he's definitely with the Hunters Association.

While using conceal, I wipe all the skills off my status except for Dagger Mastery and the Fire Combat magic, then flip my status for him to see.

"Well, I'd say I'm about qualified. I did just pick up a new pair of blades, I've been meaning to test them out."

Tripp raises an eyebrow and studies my stats for a moment, then looks up at me with a sigh.

I can tell he's going to ask for my ID anyways... Some sort of distraction is needed here. I take out the pair of shining black daggers from my item box and give them a twirl. It feels so natural... This is just like my swordsmanship skill. Dagger Mastery is a passive ability that grows alongside my level progression.

I look at the man with a slight grin.

"Well... what do ya say?"

He looks over his shoulders both ways, then back at me with the same sly grin.

"Come on then, let's go. Our boss is stuck out at that C Class exam tonight, might as well have some fun."

He says something to the other two team members, then walks right through the D Class gate motioning for us to follow. Tripp shows his card and the guards nod us past just like that. We're off to the Lizardman dungeon.

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