Chapter 43

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I dragged by body along the wet swamp floor towards the faint glow of a pink potion.

My arm and leg had been sliced off, and my stomach has a large hole in it. There are 3 smeared trails of blood behind.

I finally made it to the pile of cloth on the ground covering the portion of Talia's belt I managed to cut off during our short battle.

I grabbed the bottle with my left hand and ripped the cork off with my teeth. I drank the potion and closed my eyes. Magic flowed back into my body.

There's only one way I'll make it out of here alive. I have to try my new skill.

"Self Regeneration."

"Self Regeneration...."


I kept repeating those words over and over in my head while concentrating on my wounds.

I could feel the MP being consumed, but also a relaxing warmth came over my whole body.

I opened my eyes and looked down to see my arm and leg slowly growing back. I focused even harder and the re-growth started to speed up.

This skill is incredible.

I can feel my bones and skin re-growing at a rapid rate. Seconds later I stood to my feet. My shirt sleeve and pant leg were gone along with one of my boots. That didn't matter to me one bit. I stared straight ahead towards the direction my attackers just left.

They made the first move and failed to eliminate me... their lives are fair game.

I darted forward making sure not to make too much noise. My MP was somewhat drained, but I have more than enough in me to plot my revenge.

A state of rage came over me. I've never felt this way before... No one has ever deceived me quite like this, I will not forgive them.

After a few moments I heard a voice and slipped behind a tree.

"Another successful day in Vice City. I think it's about time we head off somewhere else, we might be getting a bit too hot here. One night to celebrate then let's checkout the Nurean Region next. I think a top 4 region might be a good change of pace befo-"

"Enemy 20m behind us."

I held my breath.

They know an enemy is nearby, but there's no reason to ever guess it's me. I can't believe them! They're just talking casually like this is an everyday thing! How disgusting.

I circled around their back and ducked behind the trees. I'm waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

I watched them like my prey. I feel true hatred. They tried to kill me and took everything I own. All i did was help them out today... The world really is a cruel place. Now they'll get a taste of their own medicine. Karma always comes back around.

There was an opening in the trees. I could see Cori scanning frantically and Talia holding her sword tight eyeing the trees and turning in circles slowly.

Cori was staring directly in my direction, but my tree cover was too dense. I moved closer and closer making sure not to be seen until I needed to.

"10m straight ahead"

Talia nodded.

"I don't hear it at all, where is this troll?"

"I'm not sure its a troll. It feels like a human."

Talia was inching closer and closer every second. Cori stood close behind her.

We were less than 5m apart now, I was knee deep in swamp water gripping the backside of a tree.

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