Chapter 69

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"Hey! Would you look at who it is?"

I heard a familiar voice behind me and turned my head to see Hudson smiling and waving while walking in my direction. Trailing behind him were 4 hunters I'd never seen before.

"Are these your new recruits?"

He nodded and looked back.

"Yup! Fresh D Class Hunters, it's my job to train them this weekend."

"Hey uh- how's Nessa doing? She's not with you today?"

Hudson nodded.

"Nessa hit level 250 yesterday. She's doing some special sword training at the guild to make sure she's ready for the test next weekend."

"Already??? How did she level up so fast? I can't get much further in the Minotaur Dungeon."

Hudson pointed at the list on the wall.

"Well, the only other two D Class dungeons that have higher levels than the Minotaur are the Giant Ape and Lizardman dungeons. I assume she power-leveled there with another guild member.

I took a look at the list. The Giant Ape dungeon seems straightforward enough. It'll be worth checking out today.

"Okay, thanks. That's exactly what I was looking for. Hey uh- Tell Nessa I'll see her at the Exams!"

"Of course!"


With a wave of goodbye, we each got on different trains and headed off.

Minutes later I arrived. No one else got off at this stop, It looks like this dungeon isn't very popular. I made my way up the escalator and took out my sword before jumping through the floating blue portal.

I'm bombarded by a hot and humid environment the second I enter this dungeon. There are thick trees all around and occasional small clearings that let in the shining artificial sunlight. The ground is covered in lush green plants and a variety of multicolored fruits and flowers. This is a jungle dungeon... It's pretty cool.

I walk deeper in with slow cautious steps, but this eventually turns into faster jogging as I get more comfortable with the terrain. It takes about 20 minutes before I encounter my first monster.

As I'm walking along the jungle floor I see many tree's shaking violently in the distance and ready my blade. A dark brown creature comes flying out of the top of the trees swinging on branches and squares up with me on the jungle floor about 20m away.

I use inspect and appraisal.

[Lv. 213]

Active Items:

[Steel Machete] +200 Strength

[Steel Chestplate] +200 Defense

Active Skills:


It's a giant monkey.... The beast stood around 4m tall, and the ground shook after every step it took. The Shining silver machete and armor it wore made it look almost human, but the bloodshot eyes and fangs protruding from its mouth told me otherwise.

It let out a scream that shook the trees and ran at me. I ignited my blade and ran towards it as well. Within seconds the ape fell into fiery pieces.

I let out a sigh of disappointment and collected the mana crystal it dropped moments later.

"Hopefully the boss puts up a fight."

It took about 2 hours, but I made it to the back of the dungeon. While walking, I faced off against 5 more apes. All of them ranged from level 210-220 and dropped mana crystals. One of them dropped a machete with +200 strength. I put all the loot in my item storage.

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