Chapter 96

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I look around as the white light from the transfer magic dissipates to find myself standing in a wide-open dirt patch. There are odd hills and valleys as far as the eye can see, but beneath my feet, there's just boring brown dirt.

The further I look out into the unfamiliar dungeon, the more the lack of trees and plants irks me. The ground is a little damp, and the sky is blue with white fluffy clouds, but there isn't a single sign of life anywhere.

A flash of light appears behind me and Maria comes flying out moments later.

"You're so lucky arghhh!"

I turn to her with a smile.

"What do you mean?"

She rolls her eyes and sighs.

"The boss, how was it? A good fight?"

I smirk and nod.

"Yeah, I had to get a bit serious. It was a fun one. How about you? Did that mutant give you a run for your money too?"


"What? It wasn't that hard was it?"

Maria shakes her head.

"No. That's my point exactly. Right as I was about to enter, the portal returned to normal. You must have taken out the mutant already. I faced the normal boss.... One hard hit and it was over."

She pouts and crosses her arms playfully.

"Well, the next mutant is yours. How about that?"

She grins as a flash of light appears behind us and a green-haired girl appears.

"Woooo! That was a rush!"

Abby glows green while healing a large gash on her upper thigh with her right hand and drinking an MP potion with her left. I reply as she walks over to us.

"Oh yeah? How'd you uh- Beat it? There were no rocks or anything..."

She rolls her eyes.

"You know I don't need to have stone around me to use my skill."

Abby places a hand in the air while glowing even darker green. A small circle of stone begins to form into a long sharp spear. I raise an eyebrow.

"Oh- cool!"

She twirls the weapon around, then sticks it in the ground as a bright light flashes behind us again. Nessa walks out on fire with her own battle-crazed grin from ear to ear. She spits out a mouthful of blood on the ground, then walks over to us without speaking a word.

We all stare into the spawn zone and wait eagerly. A few moments later, the white light flames once again.


A large hammer hits the dirt ground with a thud as Bruce appears in front of us with his own toothy grin.

"That bird-for-brains never stood a chance!"

He swings the hammer over his shoulder and walks toward our group. I call out.

"We all made it, let's head out!

With unanimous nods of agreement, we all turn and begin the trek into the new dungeon terrain.

The soft dirt ground sinks under the weight of my body a few centimeters every time I take a step. It's an odd sensation. The ground feels very unstable under my feet.

We walk for about 10 minutes on moderately flat ground until coming across one of the most absurd sights I've seen in a while.

We stop in our tracks as I peer over the edge of a long twisting ravine. The ground is split in two, divided by a narrow hole about 10m deep that twists and turns as far as the eye can see. It looks like something long and cylindrical was dragged through the dirt for kilometers.

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