Chapter 25

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I walked back through the village market looking around at the stores and people simply going about their everyday life.

I felt like an outsider, disconnected from the world they were all smiling blissfully in.

They all have no idea what I'd just done....

I strolled through town a bit more. I passed the local bakery and a few restaurants but wasn't feeling hungry at all. I just wanted to go home.

I walked up the steps to my apartment, turned the key, threw my sword over by the closet, and flopped onto my bed.


As I hit the bed my leather pouch opened and dropped all the silver coins on floor next to my bed.

"Ughhhh I can't catch a break!!!"

I buried my face in a pillow for a moment, then decided to just not pick up the mess of coins on the ground.

I turned onto my back and looked up at the ceiling with a blank stare. I opened my status...

[Status Open]

Name: Jay Soju

Level: 113

Hp: 570/570

Mp: 475/570

Strength: 274 [+50]

Speed: 323

Agility: 338

Defense: 247

Mental Strength: 275 [+55]


Combat Magic [Fire Summoning]
Inspect [Special Grade]

Items Equipped:

Stainless Steel Long Sword [+50 Strength]
Golden Wolf Ring [+20% Mental Strength]


My eyes went wide.

So monster's skills aren't the only ones I can absorb.

I shivered.

I used this power on a human because it would be a waste not to. Plus, the only reason I killed those men was self defense.

I won't make a habit of it... but if someone attacks me and I have to defend myself... their skill is 100% up for grabs. That's my self rule.

I awkwardly shook my own hand by twisting my right hand to meet my left in a position that kind of hurt my wrist. I laughed out loud at the gesture I made, but also nodded in serious agreement like I just signed a pact or something.

I took a big breath in through my nose and out through my mouth.

Seems like I've made temporary peace with my situation. Better to move on. No one else knows, so I might as well try to forget about it as well.

I grinned and laid my head back on a pillow.

I read some comics for a few hours to let my mind escape this reality for a while. It's better to distance myself as much as I can from thinking about things too much...


My stomach made a horrific sound. I'm starving.

I rolled out of bed and stepped over the pile of silver on the floor to grab my sword and boots.

I took 3 bronze from the dresser drawer and threw them in my back pocket.

I opened the door and walked down the apartment steps making my way towards the village market.

Dungeon Diver: Stealing a Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now