Chapter 127

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The 5 of us board the elevator, and Tripp taps on the "Floor 2" option shown on the digital screen.

After a few seconds of waiting, we rise to the floor above us. With a ding, the door opens and we enter the banquet hall.

It's a long and wide room with dozens of circular tables and a large stage at the back. There's a live band dressed in all white setting up for a performance. Immediately, we're greeted by a beautiful young woman carrying tall glasses of Champagne.

"Welcome, welcome. Please take a drink and make yourselves comfortable. More guests will be arriving soon."

Politely, we all take a drink each.

I look around the room to see people of all shapes and sizes. It's split about 50/50 between hunters and executives in here. Using inspect, I find the average hunter is between levels 270 and 320. Almost all of them are C-Class applicants that passed the exam.

Most of the staff serving food and drinks are around level 20 to 70. The executives in suits are leveled at random. The bulk of them are between levels 100 and 200, but there are exceptions to this rule. A few level 400+ retired hunters come into my field of vision.

It's pretty clear even without my inspect skill, they wear enchanted rings and very expensive suits. The C-Class executives stand out in the crowd.

Arie is doing the same as me, taking in the view of people around us, but for an entirely different reason. He grins and raises his glass to meet mine.


"Cheers Jay. Congrats on ranking up. It's time for me to get busy. My day of networking is about to begin."

He lifts the drink to his lips and gulps down the entire thing in seconds. With a swift turn, Arie places his empty glass on a passing waitress' silver tray while grabbing another from a woman walking in the opposite direction.

He walks straight over to one of the men I scanned at level 439 and begins introducing himself.

I take a sip of my drink and give him a light nod of respect. Maria turns to me as the fizzy drink rolls down my tongue.

"Hey, Jay! Abby and I are going to check out the musicians and find some seats!"

The blond and green-haired girls stare at me with excited looks in their eyes, I chuckle.

"Don't let me hold you two back, go have fun! I'll be taking care of some business too."

They both run off, leaving me alone in the center of the crowded room with Tripp. I hear idle chatter all around. Drinks clang against each other and laughter along with talk of money and contracts fills my ears. I zone out, letting the room fall silent, just alone in my own thoughts.

This old habit of mine.... Daydreaming at the most awkward times imaginable. Reflexively, I gulp down the rest of my drink to get into an even fuzzier head space. It's not that I hate being around people... I just... would rather not be around them at all sometimes. Large groups like this in a closed-off space with no plans of leaving give me a weird feeling.

I gulp, realizing my MP is slowly dropping for some reason...

Snapping out of my moment of peace, I let out a long exhale realizing my [Self Regeneration] skill's passive trait just kicked in: Poison Resistance. I murmur to myself.

"I can't even get drunk..."

With a frown across my face, I continue scanning the room, silently judging everyone that walks by.... This is not going to be a fun ceremony.

I roll my eyes and place my glass on a server's tray that's passing by, letting out another low-pitched "I don't want to be here" sounding groan.

Tripp throws his hand over my shoulder.

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