Chapter 187

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After launching my dual-bladed energy attack, and attempting to Dungeon Walk away, I stop mid-stride as the odd sensation of a dense dome of mana shielding covers the entire island that this fallen castle sits on.

The murderous roar of the Behemoth makes my head spin as it storms through the ball of flames from my previous attack.

Using the liquidated ground, it glides toward me with astonishing speed.

The monster clears hundreds of meters of distance between us in seconds. I Dungeon Walk to the opposite side of the island to avoid the charge.

Gritting my teeth, I watch the massive beast turn its body in an instant and come rampaging toward me again.

The cloud of fire, dust, and smoke that covered its entire body moments ago has dissipated as it continues to turn around.

I start to grin as I see the top portion of its helmet break off, and a large red glowing gash appears on the monster's face, right through its left eye.

Flames flicker on the wound as my advanced fire magic residue seeps into its body.

It glows white, and I watch the flames go out, but then a red glowing gash remains. The Stone Suit of armor begins to liquidate again, forming the helmet back in place exactly the way it was. The only difference this time, is the slip where its eyes were before is no longer there.

This confirms it. I've injured the monster for real this time, and the beast will be more cautious moving forward.

I look up to the sky as the Behemoth runs across the island with its blades for arms pointed at me in a furious rage.

I see Ember high up in the sky and I'm hit with a moment of panic as I attempt to open our link...

Nothing comes through.

I try to Dungeon Walk up into the air to get near, but he's out of my range.

The red mana-dense barrier has us separated completely. I dart my eyes back and forth, then teleport to the far side of the island next to the light red mana shield.

I let out two 2000MP attacks.

My black and white blades of energy drift right through without a sound.

It does nothing at all...

I try to touch the barrier with a bare hand, but the closer my skin gets to the buzzing red energy, the hotter it becomes.

The skin on my fingers, wrist, and forearm begins to sizzle and melt off the moment I get within a meter of this odd barrier.

I let out a painful grunt as I back away and regenerate my right arm's wounds.

The Behemoth is closing in again. I'm trapped within a barrier with this beast until I can figure out how to break it open from the inside. Ember is stuck on the outside for now and I can't teleport up to him or open our link... The only immediate way out of here is to take this monster down.

I already injured it once, I'll just do it again.

While charging both my weapons, and air-stepping into the sky to level with the approaching monster's eye level once again, I release a dual energy strike of 2000MP per blade.

As the white and black crescent of mana silently rocket toward the monster's head, I Dungeon Walk to its backside.

I'm fairly certain it'll dodge or block those incoming strikes with ease. I prepare my real attack while it's occupied.

Taking almost 2 full seconds, I watch my previous strikes collide with the monster's right arm as it lifts it in the air to block.

The red mana around its body strengthens on impact and my distraction shots are defects into the air with ease as I predicted.

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