3 The Wedding

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Part 3 The Wedding

I was staring at my wedding sherwani given by Guptas. The sherwani was flaunting Gupta's wealth with golden jarry and pearl buttons. Wearing a Desi outfit was not my cup of tea. I always preferred to wear a suit. That was my comfort zone. But, it was my wedding. I had to wear such an outfit without a choice because it was about the reputation of the Royal family.

I met a tough time showing myself all right, to make my sister Payal happier. All my family members looked delighted, except me... and, of course, Khushi Gupta would also be.

That was when I remembered, where was she? I didn't know how she was going to lash me for not stopping the marriage. I'm not a man who disrespected women with my behavior. My mother didn't bring me up that way. But, I spoke to Khushi Gupta disrespectfully that day. The way she spoke to me on the phone sounded disrespectful and that made me talk so. So what if she was a Royal Heir? Could not she talk to the other person politely? Could not she tell me that she was not interested in this wedding calmly? I didn't know how I was going to face her every day...how I was going to live under the same roof with her.

My Di rushed to me all smiling. I didn't know why.

"Chotte, you are going to faint today"

"Me? Why Di?"

"Khushi looked damn gorgeous today" she chuckled.

I gazed at her.

"She usually looks striking but today, she is just WOW..."

I sighed. She touched my cheek.

"Chotte, we know what's there is your mind. It's in your hand to turn everything in your favour. Please try to understand that, Arnav" she pleaded me.

My sister hardly called my name. if she had called, she would have been emotional. I nodded slightly.

"I'm sure you will forget all your grief, seeing her flawless face"

Flawless? Why would her face be flaw? After all, she was a Princess.

I was called to the stage. I was taken to the stage by my Di and Jeejaji. Sitting in the middle of the expensively decorated stage, I followed the pandit's instructions. The wedding day would be the best day in anyone's life. It would have been the same in my life also if the bride had not been Khushi Gupta. According to me, this wedding was nothing but a cage. I felt weak that day. I could run somewhere nor could I hide anywhere. This wedding was a pure compulsion that was forced on me.

The Pandit asked to bring the Bride. My head automatically turned toward Khushi Gupta when she stepped out of the room. It was because of the narration my Di did about Khushi. In no time, she was drenched in the camera flashes wildly. People watched her eagerly, some eyed her jewels, some at her face which was glowing more than the jewelry she had been covered up with.

I looked at Khushi Gupta for the first time. Honestly, speaking, if she had not talked to me on the phone, I would have ogled at her without taking my eyes off her without caring about anything. She looked indeed a PRINCESS. Should accept, Khushi Gupta was worth killing many to get. She was looking like an angel who just divested her wings to wear her wedding attire but it did nothing with me. Her rude talks kicked my mind when she sat next to me. I knew she was not interested in this marriage as same as me. Then what was there to be excited about? So what if she was beautiful, damn beautiful? What I was going to do with her beauty?

The Pandit kept on chanting hymns but they didn't reach my ears. The phone conversation I had with Khushi was ringing in my mind.

I got my sense back when the Pandit extended the Mangal Sutra towards me, asking to tie it around Khushi's neck. Taking it from him, I tied it to Khushi's neck, tying myself into the unwanted relationship. I saw her face in tight close-up when I tied the mangal sutra. Her face was indeed flawless. She was looking down. Maybe, she didn't wish to see my face.

Both were not willing yet we were married. We got married because of our siblings who were happily getting married on the other Dias next to us. My sister Payal and Khushi's brother Akash. Could not help. We had to do that for them and their happiness. And also for the business tie-ups with Guptas. So, this wedding became not only about my sister's life issue but also about Raizada's business future. There was nothing I could deny. Simply, I became a scapegoat for my family's betterment.

Khushi means happiness, gladness, and delight. As I got married to her, from today onwards, I was going to lose my happiness... Fail to be glad... and would forget to be delighted... I had no second thoughts about it.

I was confused, seeing my newly wedded wife not crying at the time of the sending-off ceremony. It was only her brother Akash who looked overemotional towards his sister. I had attended many weddings so far. It was an unwritten rule of every girl to cry at the time of send-off. This was the first time; I saw a girl not crying to get separated from her family. And, she was my wife.

On the other side, my sister Payal was bursting out, hugging my mother Ratna and sister Anjali who were also in the same state. This was what usually happening at every wedding. I looked at Khushi who looked calm as if she was attending someone's wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Gupta reached Khushi who was standing next to me. Mrs. Gupta glittered like a Diamond mine. Mr. Gupta tried to be stiff but he struggled to be. After all, he was a father.

"Oh my sweetheart, you became an authentic ambassador of our family now. Its reputation is in your hands. Think about it and act accordingly. Keep your head up and walk with pride" Mrs. Gupta said with an attitude of a queen showing voluntary emotion in her tone.

Khushi was silently gazing at her and said nothing. Neither she hugged her parents nor did she mind taking their blessings. It was Shashi Gupta who hugged her and kissed her forehead. Khushi seemed nothing but a statue made up of stone to me. She was that motionless.

"God bless you, beta" Came from Shashi Gupta.

Shashi Gupta looked at me. That was my first authentic meeting with him. As I didn't expect, he clutched my hand.

"Take care of my child..." he choked, making me embarrassed.

I looked at Khushi who didn't spare a glance at him. I nodded ok with a forced smile.

Payal rushed to me and hugged me. She cried like hell in my arms. I could not hold myself but choke.

"Bhai...I will miss you" She cried.

I looked at Akash who blinked his eyes giving me the assurance of his care for Payal. I pulled Payal from me and gave her hand to Akash.

"I will take care of her," he said verbally.

Akash looked at Khushi who smiled at her brother mildly. That stunned me. That was her first-ever smile. Damn... how beautiful she was while smiling...! I lost myself for a few seconds.

Akash and Payal advanced their car while, I walked towards ours and Khushi followed me. A lavishly decorated Rolls-Royce was waiting for us to take us to RM. It was my in-law's one of the gifts to me. Shashi Gupta made Khushi sit in it. Whereas my father made Payal sit in the other car with Akash.

Our journey of bitterness started when the car started toward Raizada Mansion. I and Khushi both didn't spare another one's glance. What was there to even look at the person after knowing his/her interest in the wedding?

The mere thought of, I should shift to the house given by Guptas tomorrow irked me. It was Guptas another wedding gift to me. My lifetime dreams of taking care of my mother would be devastated tomorrow. I needed a wife who was family oriented. I wanted my wife to be caring towards my mother who hadn't even gotten a caring LOOK from her so-busy husband so far. I could not expect such selflessness from Khushi who was brought up in the Royal aura. Everything that was owned by her would be RICH... even her LOOK would be haughty.

To be continued...

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