9 Phoenix

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Part 9 Phoenix

I returned to RM and spent time with my sister and cousins. My mind was clouded with Guptas and their confused gestures. In between the confusion, I remembered Khushi's FINGER KISS too. I got Goosebumps when I remembered it. I felt weird about my own feelings. I was not interested in the marriage. I was fed up with going away from RM. But, after listening to Khushi's few words, I didn't know what happened to me even though those words were not in my favor. I was not like this. I was popular for my anger. I lose my temper if I was not respected. But in Khushi's matter, I was reacting opposite to what I was. Neither was she haughty nor did she look thick-headed. She was under pressure, I assumed.

My mother came there and asked me,

"Chotte, have you packed your things?"

I nodded no sighing.

"Go and do it first... or take all of them to your room and do it chitchatting with them"

"Yeah... let us help Arnav," Lavanya said.

"There is nothing to worry about. I'm not going to take all my stuff but only half of them. And, I'm not going abroad. I'm just going to be at a one-hour ride distance. If I want anything from here, I will take it when I come here" I simply said.

"See, how simply he put the END card. You are unnecessarily worrying Badi Ma" NK said.

"Let's go to my room guys" I went to my room to pack my stuff.

My cousins followed me to my room. I left less than half of my stuff in RM and packed the remaining things.


Payal was ready to go back to Gupta Palace. My family bid bye to her after a big mellow drama. My father took her with him.

I knew Khushi would be at RM anytime. As I expected, Khushi came to RM with my father. Dropping Payal at Gupta Palace, he brought Khushi with him. She was wearing a new saree... I could not say simply it was a silk saree. It was not just a SILK saree but a golden Jarry work saree. She left it with the single pleat. I was awestruck, seeing mine and Khushi's photos being weaved on the saree pallu so grandly and beautifully.

Lavanya held her saree pallu with her hands,

"Wow... Arnav, you look beautiful for the first time," She teased me.

"Anyone would look beautiful with the Princess," NK said.

"Why? Our Arnav bituwa is always handsome" My Mami Manorama said.

I rolled my eyes and Khushi noticed it.

"Chotte, get ready... you have to go to Mini Palace" My Dad said.

I nodded ok and went to my room. I sat on the bed feeling heavy in my heart. That was where I grew up... this room had witnessed all my emotions... my happiness, grief, sentiments, everything. I spilled tears, laughed louder, giggled with my sisters, fought with my cousins, whatnot... I sighed.

That was when I heard,

"If you feel bad about leaving RM... YOU don't have to..."

I saw Khushi standing at the doorstep. What did she mean? Didn't she want me to accompany her to the Mini Palace? What reason could I give? What reason she could give to Guptas?

"Is this also a kind of help you are expecting from me?" I asked showing myself normal.

"I intended to help YOU," she said without hesitation.

"If you are so much interested in helping me, do it when I ask you" I walked out, taking my suitcase.

I was ready to leave RM with Khushi...for Khushi... just because she would like to be like a QUEEN...! But the tragedy was, I was not KING.

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