34 Ripped Mask

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Part 34 Ripped mask

The hospital became feverish, seeing the NATIONAL MEDICAL COMMISSION team entering the hospital. Neither Shashi Gupta nor Akash Gupta noticed it. They were in a deep turmoil. They were guilty because of them Mithra had poison. I wanted to wash out their guilt more than I wanted to tear the mask of Mithra. Damn... how cunning the woman was! She had been keeping them under her control, performing such cheap dramas.

"Relax, uncle. Nothing will happen to Aunty," I tried to console Shashi Gupta.

"How could I be relaxing, Arnav? She was frothing at the mouth. What does that mean? The venom started acting on her body. It's an advanced stage, Arnav," Shashi Gupta blabbered.

I saw the Dean of the hospital rushing to the NMC team.

"Sir, I'm the dean of the hospital, Gopinath..." HE extended his hand for a shake.

The head of the inspection team clutched his hand and said,

"I'm Raghuram, the head of the inspection team. We got a complaint about your hospital that you are doing forgery by giving wrong and unnecessary treatment to people to earn money"

"It's not true, sir. Someone should be complained about us out of jealousy" Gopinath said.

"We will check it, Sir," Raghuram said coolly.

"Take him under our custody until the inspection is over," Raghuram said.

Gopinath was taken to his cabin. The landline was disconnected. The team fixed the JAMMER in the hospital vicinity. So that, no phone calls would connect to the hospital personalities. Another team rushed to the operation theater to take it under their control which Mithra was getting treated. The head of the team Raghuram removed his coat and knocked on the operation theater door.

After the second knock, a nurse slightly opened the door and looked through the little gap.

"Who are you? What do you want? Why are you disturbing us? This is an operation theater. Don't you have common sense not to knock on the door while an operation taking place?"

"I want to meet the doctor," Raghuram said.

"You can't meet him now. He is struggling to save a life" She said seriously, looking at Shashi.

"What's the case about?" Raghuram asked.

"A woman had poison and her condition is so critical," She said showing hurry.

"Critical means?"

"She frothed... the poison started acting in her body," she said annoyingly.

"Are you telling this guessingly or, are you sure about it?"

"What are you, man? I'm telling you about how critical the patient's condition is and you are wasting my time asking useless questions..." She was about to close the door, he stopped her by keeping his palm on the door.

"Open the door," Raghuram said.

"What? This is not a washroom for anyone to enter but an operation theater" the nurse said furiously.

"Oh, really?" he showed his identity card. The nurse widened her eyes in shock.

"I'm the head of the NMC inspection team. Could you open the door now, madam?" he said sarcastically.

The nurse opened the door wide and stood in an attentive pose. The head walked in.

"Hey, who are you?" the doctor in the operation theater asked.

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