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Foolish and fillial man 3

Today's hospitals are far less crowded than they were in later generations. Most people don't come to the hospital when they get sick. Instead, they force themselves through it, or follow some folk remedies passed down by the older generation and just drink some medicinal soup. .

This may be related to the fact that the equipment in the hospital is backward, the medicine is in short supply, and some highly capable old doctors have been driven to rural farms to criticize.

But this has nothing to do with Jiang Liu. The cut on his head was just a scary wound, but it didn't actually hurt the inside. As long as the wound wasn't infected, there wouldn't be a big problem. It was just that his head was full when he was sent there. The blood was too scary, and the doctor in charge was a young man who had just graduated. He was frightened at the time. He subjectively thought that Jiang Liu was very frightened, and told his family to keep Jiang Liu in the hospital. Hospitalized for observation for a period of time.

Counting the days, they had already stayed in the hospital for three days. During the day, the nurse came over to notify Xu Xiuxiu to go through the discharge procedures and pack their things before they could go back.

"I'm going to the doctor to ask something. You follow the comrade nurse to go through the procedures."

Jiang Liu had been acting a little strange since getting up in the morning. Xu Xiuxiu looked at the look in his eyes and hesitated, refusing to explain why he was looking for the doctor. My husband had some doubts in his heart.

The other person seemed to want to avoid her.


However, Xu Xiuxiu didn't ask any more questions, just nodded, and then meekly followed the nurse to the accounting office of the hospital. She still had to do something about Jiang Liu's arrears for the medicine he was hospitalized for this time, and how to deduct it later. A detailed communication.

The three days of hospitalization cost a total of 123 yuan and 70 cents, of which the team paid 60 yuan, which does not need to be paid back. The remaining 63 yuan and 70 cents is also a waste for ordinary farmers. A huge sum of money.

Jiang Liu and Xu Xiuxiu received the highest work points for both men and women on the team. Jiang Liu received 12 work points a day, while Xu Xiuxiu received 8 work points. However, Jiang Liu has been injured now and may not be able to engage in heavy labor work for a long time. The couple's income would have a lot of twists and turns. As a result of the final communication, the hospital deducted 200 work points from the team where the couple worked every month until enough work points were deducted to offset the 63 yuan and 70 cents.

In this way, the remaining work points are enough for the couple's basic life, which is considered an extremely humane result.

By the time Xu Xiuxiu came back from completing the procedures, Jiang Liu had already returned from the doctor, but his face was uglier than when he left during the day.

It was as if the soul had left the body, and the whole person was in a state of confusion.

"Uncle Captain will come to pick us up later."

Xu Xiuxiu sorted out the couple's few things. After struggling for a while, she couldn't help but asked: "Liuzi, you just talked with the doctor." What happened? Why does it feel like you have lost your soul?"

Could it be that there is something wrong with the injury on his head, and that there will be sequelae later?

"No, it's nothing."

Jiang Liu panicked and avoided Xu Xiuxiu's gaze, and replied dryly after a while.

"We are husband and wife, and you must not hide anything important from me."

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