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Good Dad (5)

"Wow, whose little princess is this? Even the beautiful grandma doesn't dare to recognize her."

Xu Dongmei was about to go downstairs to take out the trash, when she saw Jiang Liu holding Yue Yue's hand and going home with a smile on her face. She said in amazement that she was the neighbor across from the original body and the elder who had watched the original body and Jiang Yueliang grow up.

It seems that Xu Dongmei's life is not good either.

She is a woman who loves children very much, but she has not been able to conceive a child after three years of marriage. She went to the hospital for a checkup and found out that her body could not conceive. She ate a lot and visited many hospitals, but there was still no improvement.

Her husband divorced her because of this incident, but he still had some conscience and left the small house where the couple lived to Xu Dongmei.

When Xu Dongmei divorced, the original person was just born. She had no siblings and she loved the original person as her own child. She often took him to her home to take care of him when his parents were working and had no time to take care of the child.

When the original wife fell ill, the old lady emptied her savings to help the small family. For the original person, there was no difference between her and her mother.

In the last life, something happened to Jiang Yueliang, and she moved her children away from the city where she grew up. Xu Dongmei also sold the property together and took care of their father and daughter along the way.

After Jiang Yueliang jumped from the building, the original person went completely crazy. It was this old lady who kept supporting him and took care of the original person who could not take care of himself.

Even after Gou Jian was released from prison, it was the old lady who noticed the original person's thoughts, took him outside the prison, and handed him the knife.

It's just that the original memory stopped abruptly, and Jiang Liu didn't know what would happen to the old lady after losing her last relative.


Jiang Yueliang rushed over happily and hugged Grandma Xu's thigh.

Xu Dongmei also hasn't seen her sweet granddaughter for a week. She rarely hugged the little girl and kissed and hugged her.

"I just happened to buy fresh pork croquettes. This stuff is the most fragrant when cooked in soup. Today you two will come to my place for dinner."

Living alone is always lonely. Xu Dongmei is used to inviting the other person to the door whenever delicious food is prepared. The father and daughter came over for dinner. He also had this habit, so Jiang Liu did not refuse.

Seeing that the old lady missed the moon very much, Jiang Liu simply gave the moon to the old lady. He still had some things to do.


First of all, it was the original job. Jiang Liu found the foreman of the construction site and made it clear that he could not continue the project, and then settled the remaining money.

Then Jiang Liu came to his daughter's school, found the head teacher, and made a request to transfer to another school.

"The new semester has just started. Even if you want to help Yue Yue transfer to another school, at least you have to wait until the end of the semester?" Yue Yue's class teacher couldn't understand: "If there are special circumstances at home, Dad Jiang, you can ask Yue Yue for a long leave. "

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