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Acrobat (5)

Originally, the path down the mountain from Shi'ao Village was a path only for single people to walk. Later, the original person's father earned some money and had feelings for the house in his hometown, so he would go to the mountain to live for a period of time every now and then. Because of this, he spent money to build a mountain road.

It was just the simplest thing to level the land and fill it with sand, instead of building more expensive asphalt roads or cement roads. But even so, it cost Jiang Sanchun nearly 200,000 yuan. In that era, this money It is enough to build two or three three-story small bungalows.

Because of this incident, the Jiang family has a high prestige in the village, and everyone remembers the kindness of the Jiang family.

This road makes it much more convenient and safer for the villagers to go down the mountain. The most important thing is that after the road is built, cars from the mountain can drive up and transport some mountain goods down. However, the soil and climate in their area are not suitable for fruit trees. Growth, otherwise planting some fruit trees in the mountains and forests may help them escape poverty and become rich.

When going up the mountain, Jiang Liu walked up because the original body left him a Santana with a low floor and that was about to be scrapped. It was bought by the original body's father in the late 1990s to show off his wealth. He used a large truck to travel around in these years. Before he disbanded the acrobatic troupe and came back to teach his apprentices, he transferred it to a prop master in the troupe. So now Jiang Liu still has one important thing to do, and that is Buy an off-road vehicle or a small truck specifically for running on mountain roads, otherwise it will be too inconvenient to spend several hours going up and down the mountain every day.

He did it as soon as he thought of it. The day after choosing his apprentices, Jiang Liu took them down the mountain. This day happened to be the market day in the town.

The habit of going to the market has been maintained in this poor county. The things on the stalls are very cheap and are daily necessities that meet the living standards of the surrounding people.

A pair of children's rubber-soled cloth shoes only cost 15 yuan, a pair of adult sneakers cost only 25 yuan, there are also pants that cost 15 yuan a pair, and clothes that cost 29 yuan...

The snack stall is full of snacks. Shuaifu instant noodles, Wangwang snow cake, Xizhilang jelly...the prices are all staggeringly cheap.

These things are definitely not found in other economically developed areas. At that time, in such a poor area with low per capita income, their business was booming.

Just because of the low price, the texture of these things is relatively not very good, the colors are colorful, and each has its own ugly way.

Jiang Liu rummaged through the stalls selling shoes for a long time before he managed to find a few pairs of pure black rubber-soled cloth shoes that matched their shoe size and looked pretty good.

He tried the softness and hardness of the soles and felt that the shoes could be used as training shoes for children, so he let them put them on to see if they fit.

In addition to the training shoes prepared for the three apprentices, Jiang Liu also selected a pair of small peach pink leather shoes.

It has a bright red and fluorescent color, a round toe, and a small yellow flower on the shoelace on the back of the foot.

Forgiving Jiang Liu's straight-male aesthetic after being reincarnated for several lifetimes, Jiang Liu felt that the shoes were quite beautiful and handed them to Xu Meihua who was standing aside, asking her to put them on and try them on her feet.

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