2: Your from an Anime

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'I can't belive it! The AOT cast Is in my room! But how? And where are the rest?' I then saw the Manga volume and saw it was the one far into the Manga.

Eren look around confused and so did all the rest of the cast. "Where are we?" He asked. I open my mouth but nothing came out. Hanji then walk up to my T.V "Thats an odd looking mirror....Awwww puppy!" She then pick up Daisy who was sniffling her.

"What a strange place" Connie said. I walk backwards as the cast was looking at my stuff. "I-is that us!?" Armin asked as he points to my Attack On Titan poster.

As I turn around I knock over some of my Black Butler Manga. They fell on the floor with a big bang. Everyone in the room turn and look at me. "Oi, who are you and where are we" I turn around and Levi was now standing infront of me.

"Why do you have pictures of us in your room?" Mikasa asked as she walk up "Are you stalking Eren?" She said in a cold voice.

'Thats it im going insane! Im seeing things'

I then began to laugh. I walk over to my bed and plop down "I've gone insane! Im really imagine that the survey crop is in my room!.....maybe im dreaming. Mikasa punch me so I can wake up!"

She didnt hesitate as that what she did. Have you ever wonder how strong Mikasa is? Well she strong all right. I gasp and fell to the ground as I look up at the ceiling. "Mikasa!" Eren yelled as he ran over to me "Are you ok?" He asked  "Cadet Ackerman, Please control yourself" Erwin said as he walk over to me as well.

Eren help me up as I sat on my bed. Erwin bend down infront of me "Hello my name is Erwin Smith, commander of the Survey Crops. Whats your name?"

"Oooh whats this?" I hear Hanji said as she, Connie, and Sasha look at my D.S

"My name is (Y/N) (L/N)"

"Well (Y/N) can you tell us where we are and how we got here" He asked. I nodded my head "Well I don't how you guys got here but I can tell you where you are" he nods his head.

Everyone then gather around me as I started to explain "Your in the 21st century, the year 2016 and you guys...are um....just fictional characters in this world. First it was base off of a book, we call Manga then turn into a Anime which is moving pictures with voices and stuff like that and so we people here watch it for entertainment and we don't live inside a giant wall like you do"

"No wall!? W-what about the Titans?" Someone asks. I rub the back of my neck as I reply back to that "Well here there's no such thing as Titans"

They all look at me in shock. "Thats impossible! Wheres the proof!?" Jean yelled at me. I garled at him "First dont yell at me horse face and I'll give you the proff. But for now, take your sass, and put in your pocket " Eren smirk at my comment about Jean.

"Just tell us the truth all ready, or I'll kill you" Levi said. I rolled my eyes "See my Shirt? Read it" he looks at me shirt and read it out loud "Weather we die or not, isn't really that a big deal.... dying is a really big deal! Do you how many people die everyday? Aren't you sad when somone dies"

I sighed "It doesn't really matter, the sun will still rise, the flowers are still going to bloom. Being sad won't bring them to life. Crying isn't the answer, being strong for the people who are still alive is what matters. So I dont really care, now do you want me to show you the proof or not" I said to him all calm.

Every one in the room was silent. "Good, now first of all theres a poster on the wall with Eren, Armin and Mikasa on it because there the 3 main characters. The cast is them, Jean, Sasha, Connie, Christa/Historia, Ymir, Mraco, Reiner, Bert, Annie, Levi, Hanji and Erwin. I will now show you a video, more or less a AMV of your guys past"

I grab my phone and turn on the T.V and put it on YouTube. "Whats that!?" Ask Hanji "Its called a T.V Hanji and thats what we use to watch stuff on like the show you guys come from"

I look up a Attack on Titan trailer. I click it and let it play. (Video on the top↑)

After the video was over everyone was shock after watching clips of their lives being played right infront of them. "Well theres your proof! You belive me now?" I asked. They all nodded. Some were still in disbelief.

I sighed as I walk over to the AOT Manga that was on the floor and pick it up. I flip through it and saw what part and time of the Manga they came out from.

(Spoiler alert)

"So you guys found out Bert was the colossal Titan and Renier was the armor Titan and Ymir was a Titan shifter , la la la they kidnap Eren and Ymir. Blah blah they got Eren back but not Ymir and Historia became queen nah nah nah and you guys were going to have 3 months of training before using Erens Titan body to cover Wall Maria but instead you came into this world" I said and put the book back in the shelf.

"You guys can come down stairs with me so we can all talk some more" I said as I open my door and skip out. They all followed as we enter my living room. I sat down on my arm chair and they all sat down on the couch while. Daisy then hop on the couch and sat on Armins lap.

"So you guys can stay here untill we find out some how to get you back into your world and hopefully we can all be friends!" I said with smile.

Erwin nodded and said"Thank you we appreciate it" Hanji was looking at my salt water fish tank like a cat looking at its prey.

"So does anyone have questions?"

Sasha raise her hand "yes?" I asked.

"Do you have any food?" Everyone groan at her. I giggled "Yeah sure"

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