17: Annie!?

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Up top is one of my favorite amv of AOT~⬆


"(Y/N)!!!!" I heard Taylor whine at my bathroom door as I step out of the shower. I quickly put on my bra and panties and then grab my soft (F/C) robe.

I slap open the door and look and saw Taylor standing there in the door way looking at me with cross arms "What!?" I yelled at him.

He looks at me then blushes "I- eh-um.....w-wanted to k-know if you..um........" each word he said the redder his face gets. "W-want to han-" He was cut of by my phone getting a text message.

"One sec" I said as I walk past him and pick up my phone and saw it was from my mom.

Mom: Hey honey. I know your father and me said we'll be back at the end of july but it seems that our trip got expand to another month. Im really sorry. I hope your ok and safe. Tell Taylor I said hi. Anyway good bye (Y/N), have a nice summer!

Me: Yeah thats ok mom. I understand. See u in a month or so. Bye

I sighed "So your parents aren't coming back for another month" I heard Taylor say as I saw he was reading over my shoulder the whole time.

"Yeah. But thats good cuz we have the AOT cast here anyway" Taylor nods then smirks as he grabs my phone and ran out of the room laughing.

"TAYLOR GIVE ME BACK MY PHONE!" I scream as I ran out of my room right behind him. I chase Taylor down the stairs and into the living room "Taylor!" I yelled as I tackled him down on the floor.

But I end up falling off of him and he got away. I growled as I got back up but bump into Jean. "Oh sorry (Y-" He stop talking when he saw I was just in my robe and the front was a little open so it showed my chest a little.....ok maybe a little more than a little.

"Uh- eh..um" Was all the Jean had to say. "Hey guys whats up" Connie said walking in the room and saw what I was wearing. Then the same thing happen with Eren but when he saw all the others boys eye raping me he snap.

"What are you guys doing!?" He yells then grabs my arm and drag me up the stairs. Once we got to my room he throws me to my dresser. I look at him and saw he walking to the door. I giggled as he opens the door to leave "Thanks Eren" I said before he left.

I quickly got dress into a pair of shorts and my proxy hoodie. I then left my room to only hear something in my room as I was about to shut the door.

"Huh?" I said as I open the door again and saw a familiar figure laying on the floor. It was a female with blonde hair in a bun wearing a white hoodie and black pants with boots and most importantly it was Annie leonhart!

'Aw sh*t, aw sh*t, aw sh***t!' I yelled in my mind as I quickly shut the door so no one would come in.

I slowly walk towards her and saw she was about to get up "um.....H-hey?" I said. Her head shot up when she heard me. She then got up but lost her balance and almost falled.

"Wow are you ok?" I asked as I grab her arms and help her to the couch. "Who are you and where am I?" She said coldly. I smiled and spin around and said "Welcome to the 21st century!" I then did jazz hands.

She gets up and looks me in the face "What?" I sighed as I explain everything about Attack On Titan and the 21st century to her. She nods as she sits back down and ran her fingers threw her bangs.

"Also please dont turn into a Titan here cuz then alot of sh*t will go down. I told that to Eren to" Her eyes widened "Wait is Eren here to?" I nodded "Yeah and so is Mikasa, Armin, Levi, Erwin, Sasha, Connie, Jean and Hanji......And my friend"

Just then there was as a bang at my door and followed with a groan "Hey (Y/N) im sorry I took your phone so um.....CAN YOU LET ME IN YOUR ROOM!? You've been in there for-ever!"

I walk over to the door and unlock it and grab Taylor and yank him in and lock the door again. "(Y/N) whats wron-" he stop when he saw Annie "Oh my god its Annie leonhart! Bruh!"

"How the hell are we going to tell the cast that shes here?! Remember in the Manga Erens reaction when he finally accepted that Reiner and Bert was the colossal Titan and armor Titan! He scream at them that he would make them suffer! Bruh" I said to Taylor.

"Well we have to tell them. Maybe if we explain whys she did what she did but not fully explain cuz we dont really know and maybe we can get them to like her again" I sighed as I walk over to the door and open it "Lets try it. Come on Annie. I promise we wouldn't let them hurt you" I said with a smile.

She slowly got up and walks to me and I look at Taylor "You go ahead and tell them we have a visitor and I'll bring her out" He nods as he runs out of the room.

Erens POV

"Hey guys we have something to tell you all. But pleaaaaaaaase dont freak out ok" Taylor said walking into the living room. I tilt my head "And why would we freak out?" I asked. He takes a deep breath as he said "Because another person from your world has come here and (Y/N) doesnt want any of you guys to you know.....killing mode"

"Who is it?" Mikasa said. I smiled "Ooooo (Y/N) come here with our new guest~" Taylor sang. We heard footsteps coming down the stairs. We all look curiously to see who it was. Just then (Y/N) came into veiw and a familiar blonde b*tch!

"Annie?" Armin said as he got up. Anger filled me up as I remember all the horrible things she did. "You!" I yelled as I was about to head towards her. But (Y/N) stop me.


Eren was heading towards Annie but I ran to him and put my hands on his chest and push him back "What are you doing (Y/N)? Let me kill her for what shes done! Shes a monster!" I look or my shoulder and saw sadness and regret in her eyes. That made me snap.

"Ok first of all. No Titan shifting here while shes here! Just cuz she killed some ppl, doesn't mean shes a bad person! You dont know what shes been through to make her do what she did. Shes human too with feelings like all of you!" I screamed.

Everyone was quiet and shock from my out burst. "WHY ARE YOU YELLING?!" Taylor yelled as I garled at him backing him look away. "Ok Annies is going to be staying here with us and there will be no fighting or killing. ARE WE CLEAR?!" I asked.

Eren growls and storms out of the room and Mikasa followed while the rest of the cast nod or did nothing and stay quiet. I frown and look at Taylor "Im taking Annie to the mall to get some stuff. You stay here and try to talk to them and stuff. Come one Annie"

She hesitated at first but followed me. We exit the house and I brought her to the car and told her what it is. She nods as we got in.

I start the car and started to drive "You seem worried" Annie said to me. I look over at her on a stop light and did a dry chuckle. "Yeah a little. I just hope that everyone will calm down and accept you"

She sighes "Why do you care if they like me or not. I understand why there mad for what I did was wrong. But they'll never understand why I did it. They will never befriend me when im in the darkness of the world we live in"

I sighed and said "Walking with a friend in the dark is better then walking alone in the light. I'll be that friend if you like"

She chuckles "I guess your right and why are you being friendly to me? Im a murder" I shake my head "Well first of all your my favorite girl character and your just misunderstood and alot of other people agree in this world"

She leans back in her seat and looks out the window "Thanks. I guess I could be..... Friends with you" I smiled as we park into the mall parking lot "Well thats great! Anyway lets go. We have alot of shopping to do"

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