10: Going to the movies

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"Heyyyyy (Y/N) we should go to the movies!" Taylor said draging me to the front door. I yank my arm away "And what movie are we going to see now?" He thought for a moment "DeadPool?"

I turn my head "Get the cast. WE'RE GOING TO THE MOVIES!" I turn and ran right into Levi "Sorry Levi, ok get the others were going to the Movies!" He walk away 'Tch-ing'

I giggled as I ran into my room and decide to change into a cosplay. "I'll dress as Hiyori from Noragami" I then got my Hiyori Cosplay and dress in to that.
(Pic at the top is ur cosplay)

I walk down stairs and saw everyone was ready to go. "Yo (Y-)" Taylor stop as his eyes landed on me. "Well then, I guess Hiyori is coming with us!" He walks over and puts his arm around me. I shove his arm off of me then head towards the door not knowing most of the boys were starring at me with wide eyes.

We all got in the car and Taylor got Connie, Sasha and Jean in his car and Levi was again riding Shot gun but in my car "So what Movie are we going to see and whats the difference between the movie we see at your house than the one were going to right now?" Eren asked me.

"Well you see we're going to a place where they play new movies that come out and other people come to see it in a big room with a giant screen, plus there popcorn is the BEST!"

"So why are you wearing that outfit?" Levi asked. "Um well you see, people who watch Anime A.K.A fan girls sometimes like to dress up one of the characters. We call it cosplay, im dress as Hiyori from Noragami which is a very good anime!"

"Ooooh, so do you Fangirls dress up like us?" Hanji asked. I nodded "Yeah all the time! Plus we have fan fiction.....just like the one were in right now" { (Y/N)-chan dont break the 4th wall!! STFU!} "Well sorry" I mumbled "What?" Levi asked. "NOTHING~" I sang as I turn on the radio and the song Sorry by Justin Beiber came on.

Sooner or later we finally got to the movie theater. "Ok single file line every one, we don't want anyone to get lost" I said acting like a teacher taking her students to a field trip. "Tch" Levi just walk past me.

"SENPAI NOTICE ME!" I scream as I ran and jump on his back. "Oi get the hell off of me brat!" He yells at me while I giggled " (Y/N)!" I turn my head and saw Taylor and the others walk towards Levi and me.

"What are you doing on Levis back?" Mikasa asked. " ●3● He's going to give me a piggy back ride, right Levi?" I asked "Tch, where we going?" I smiled "Just follow Taylor!" I said as I pointed at him.

We all followed him as Levi carried me. "11 Please for Deadpool" Taylor payed the tickets as I got off of Levi "Me and Sasha will get the Popcron and the drinks while you take them to get the seats" He nodded as I grab Sahsa and Jean "Why are you taking me?" Jean asked.

"Cuz we need somone to carry the popcorn and drinks" I went up to the counter and got alot of popcorn & drinks. We all walk inside the theater and saw Taylor sitting at the top with the others.

"So (Y/N) whats the sitting Arrangements?" Armin asked me as I handed Eren a bag of popcorn to share with the Tro. "Um im sitting at one end and Taylor is at the other end" he nods as we all went to top of the sets.

Ok so the so order was Me, Armin, Eren, Mikasa, Jean, Connie, Sasha, Hanii, Erwin, Levi and Taylor. Then the Movie started.

It was hilarious! Some parts Taylor & me had to explain some stuff to them. Then when a intense scenes came on (A.K.A lemon scenes) I had to cover Armins eyes cuz I felt like it "You will not lose your innocent mind like I did!" I would say. Mikasa tried to do that to Eren but failed.

"Whooooa go Deadpool!" I would yell at some of the death scene parts.

Then near the end of the movie I was on my phone on Wattpad, Instagram, snapchat and many other sites just cuz.

I turn it off when a funny moment happen. Eren surely didnt like the death scenes while I laugh my head off cuz its funny when Deadpool does it. We had the the whole movie theater to ourselves so Taylor did what he always did. Run around the theater and act like an idiot he is.

"Do be do ta do be do do, do be do ta AGENT P!" He yells as he jumps on one of the theater set but failed and falled back and landed in the next row "Shut up im trying to watc- YASS KILL HIM!" I yelled as Deadpool killed someone.

Everyone stop and look at me. "What?" I asked.

Soon the Movie was over. "Bro I like that movie!" I said. Levi got up "This place is filthy" I walk over to him "Well they barely clean this place up so yeah" Levi faces was disgusted.

"Were clean your house when we get there" I turn my head "Um why?" "Because its dirty" I rolled my eyes "Whateva" we all left the Movies but not before getting more popcorn and drowning it with butter.

Sasha then got us kick out because she keep asking the people around us for there food and was found trying to sneak behind the counter to try to steal the popcorn while a group of fangirls took a pic of me in my cosplay. We all left but the security had to drag Sasha out.

In the car I then said "In a few days we've all going to Comic Con so your guys can just wear your normal uniform! I'll dress with you guys of crouse!"

"So we'll met people that seen 'our' show?" Erwin asked. I nodded "But beware of the fangirls! I may be one of them but still!"

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