24: Friends come & vist

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I was in Taylor house right now with the AOT cast and we decide to crash here for a awhile since Taylors mom is going to be out of the state for some time. "Hey (Y/N). Can you run over to your house and bring my chager pleaseee?" He asked me not looking up from his game he was playing with Connie.

I then whined. "Aww do I have to?" He just laughes and says "Yes! Because your my bae and im your bae! Its in the bae rule book!" He joked.

I rolled my eyes and walk out of his game room hearing Connie cuss at the game. "Damn! I lost again!!!" "You jump into the fire thats why!!!!"

I walk through his halls when I saw Eren and Armin coming "Oi Eren, Amrin! You guys are coming to the house with me to get Taylors phone chager" I said as I didnt stop walking and grab there arms and drag them to hell....I mean my house.

We went into the backyard and jump over the fence to my backyard. "Ok so when we get his phone chager we should try t-" I stop talking when I open my back door and saw some of my school friends sitting on my couch eatting and drinking my stuff!

"Hey (Y/N)!!!" My friend Tyanna said as she jump up from the couch and jump up and down. She was very tall and dyed her short hair red and was half Asian with brown eyes and tan. She was wearing her new blue glasses she just got. She loves Anime and acts like shes high all the time.

"(Y/N)!" My friend Sophia said. In my class theres 3 sophias so its hard to kept track some times. She was average height and half Asian and short brown hair with brown eyes. Shes likes to travel alot with her family and likes anime. But for a nickname we call her SM because thats her initials.

"Hello (Y/N). Hows your summer going?" Then theres the other Sophia. She lives pretty close to me and she a very nice girl! Shes half Spanish and wears black glasses and long dark brown hair with brown eyes and she loves DC comics and she also watch anime some times. And for her we call her Stars. Because we have this thing about the anime Soul eater where Shes the Stars and Maggie is the Sun and Im the Moon😂.

"Hi!" Then theres Maggie! She is a very tall girl with dirty blode hair and hazel eyes she loves to read. Her favorite is Maze Runner. She loooves them! She fun and outgoing but sadly doesnt watch anime.

It took my a few seconds to process what was happening. "Um why-" Tyanna cut me off "Why isnt Sophia C here? Well she couldn't because she and Kyra are going to a Troye Sivan concert....But who needs them!? The Sun Fest is coming!"

I shook my head no "I was going to ask why are you guys here?" Eren walks up behind me and whispers in my ear "Are they Fan girls?" I look over my shoulder and smiled to him and nodded yes. "Ooooh (Y/N) you didnt tell us you got a boyfriend!" Star said as she walks over and looks at Eren blushing.

"H-hes not my boyfriend" "YET!" Tyanna then said. She also walks over to Eren and looks at him "Hey you know he looks like Eren from Attack On Titan....And he looks like Armin from Attack On Titan!.....You know what thats what im going to call you two!!" She said as she grabs Eren and pulled him in a tight hug "We should get married!"

My eyes widen as I quickly grab Eren and pulled him away from her and Eren went behind Armin "Tyanna! What happen to Sebastian? I thought you loved him?" I say to her. She sighes "Well I do love him but I rather have him eat my soul. But Eren and Levi are hot Af!" She said looking at Eren.

I could tell he was sweat droping by now. "We wanted to hang out with you today" Maggie said and started eatting some spaghetti that was probably left overs from my fridge. I sighed and walk to my stairs "One second....I have to get something and then we can hang out" I said as I ran up stairs and pull out my phone to text Taylor.

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