5: A Rude Awakening

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(BTW thats ur car on the top, if u dont like red u can change it↑)
I changed it to a Jeep.

Taylor POV

I open my eyes and saw (Y/N) sleeping. I smiled at my best friend that I had since 1st grade.

She looks so relax and peaceful when she sleeps.......yeah we have to fix somthing about that. A dark smirk spread across my face as I got a idea.

I got up and pick up (Y/N) and made sure she didnt wake up. I walk though the halls and almost bump into Connie when he walk out of the bathroom.

"Hehe sorry dude, what you doing to (Y/N)?" Connie asked me. I smiled and answer him back "Follow me and I'll show you" He follows me as we walk in the back yard to the pool.

"Your not going to do what I think your going to do, are you?" Connie asked me "Yup" Then I threw (Y/N) in the water and she landed in there with a big splash.

"EEEKKKKKKKKKKKK" (Y/N) screechs that was so loud im sure it woke up the others but I didnt care at the moment because I was laughing to hard.

She looks up at me and gave me a death glare "Duck you and WHY!?" She yelled at me. Connie was on the floor laughing and when I finally calm down I walk near her and held out my hand to help her up.

She reaches for my hand and grabs it while I said "Sorry, but you should have seen you- EKK" I was cut of when she pulled me into the water and it wasn't that cold but it still not something you want to do in the morning.

When I swam back up for air she was laughing "Now were even!" She says and laugh some more. I went under water and went under her and pulled her down and her face was looking at me and I stick out my tongue at her.

We swam back up to the surface to see Levi and Eren was outside. "Good morning, did you guys have a good night sleep?" I ask as I floated around the pool.

"We heard yelling and came to check if eveything was alright" Eren said rubbing his eyes sleepy "Do you need any help?"

Me and (Y/N) both smirk "Yeah can you pull me up?" (Y/N) asked as she held up her hand. He nods as he walks over and to her and grabs her wet hand. Just as I thought she pulled him in. Levi eyes widened and I thought I saw a small smirk.

Eren came up gasping for air and then he laughed and splash (Y/N) with water.

We played in the pool for awhile till we got out and went inside. "Eren why are you all wet?" Mikasa asked. (Y/N) raise her hand with a close eye smile.

"Taylor you can give Eren some dry cloths and we have alot of your cloths here so give the other boys something to wear today cuz were going to the mall to get then cloths" (Y/N) said to me. I nodded as she left.

I turn to Eren, Levi and Connie "Well you heard the woman, lets get you guys into cloths thats modern!"

~Small Time Skip brought to you by Armin being a coconut! ~


I got change into shorts and a crop top that says ' I don't need the Internet the internet needs me' and a pair of shoes. (Pic below is what ur wearing⬇)

I gave Mikasa a sun dress and sandals, Sasha wearing blue geans and a fairy tail shirt that had Happy on it & boots

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I gave Mikasa a sun dress and sandals, Sasha wearing blue geans and a fairy tail shirt that had Happy on it & boots. Hanji was wearing a shirt with a Titan on it and geans plus boots.

We head out the door after breakfast which was pancakes. "Hey guys you ready?" I said as I unlock my car (Again the pic at the top is ur ride & ur 16 so u can drive)

I turn and saw Jean was wearing a horse shirt and jeans, Levi wearing a Nikes brand shirt and rip jeans looking like a bad ass.

Eren was wearing a black shirt that had the survey crop symbol on the back of it and Connie wearing a unicorns T-shirt.....im not going to ask and Erwin was wearing my dads shirt and jeans.

"Um why is your shirt so... Small?" Connie asked looking at my crop top. I rolled my eyes and place my hand on my hip "Cuz sadly this is what our century wears. Booty shorts and jeans slacking. Just to warn you, where we're going we are going to see alot of teen boys pants sagging and not alot of clothes on girls. But dont judge cuz my shirt is barley above my belly button. Wait till you see the people at the mall" they all nodded thankfully.

"Ok so I can fit 7 people in my car and Taylor is going to drive as well"

I open my car door and said "I guess I'll take Eren, Mikasa, Armin in the back seat and Sasha, Connie and Jeanin the back back seat and no one in shot gun! Taylor you drive Hanji, Erwin and Levi in your car"

They nodded as we all climb in my car and I started the car and pulled out of my drive way and to the mall. Their were pretty shock as we didnt need horses to pull my vehicle to make it move. Although Eren did suggest we use Jean to pull it at first.

"Im going to put on some music" said as I turn on the radio. When I turn it on my favorite song was on which was (F/S).

I blast up the music when the beat drop and I could see in my review mirror Sahsa and Connie were dancing to.

I stop at a red light The car next to me honk and I turn my head and saw Taylor next to me and Levi riding shot gun. I turn my window down and so did he and heard the song 'Talk drity' playing.

"Race you!" He said. I shook my head "Not again" just then the light turn green and he zoom to the mall. Sooner or later we got there and we park and got out.

We all walk up to the doors but I stop them "Ok so what your guys about to go in there will be alot of lights and people that are rude, you guys deal with Levi rude but here also"

Some people chuckled while Levi glared at me. We entered the mall and there eyes widened as they look around "Now we dont want to get separated so I'll take the girls to get girly stuff and you get the boys your boy stuff" I said to Taylor.

I grab the girls hand and rush through the crowd while saying "Lets go shopping!"

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