37: Universal Studios, amusement park

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I was standing infornt of the cast right now in my PJ's with a smile on my face "Ok todays plans is were NOT going back to Miami because today im bringing some people with Taylor and me to Universal today!" And then did jazz hands.

"I can only bring 4 people and one of them is Taylor so it just leaves 3 more people can go cuz the tickets were expensive so who wants to go?" I asked. Jean, Eren and Levi raise there hands and so did Mikasa but I could bring 3 of them "Um I'll bring Eren- Jean- and Levi. Sorry Mikasa, dont worry, Eren's in safe hanfs! Now come you 4 gets dress!" I said and ran towards my room im staying in to get dress.

I decided to wear a Harry Potter outfit so I pick my house outfit from it and put them on. (Pic below U pick what house is urs so know what outfit ur wearing⬇ As u know im a Slytherin but this time u get 2 choice what house is urs)

 (Pic below U pick what house is urs so know what outfit ur wearing⬇ As u know im a Slytherin but this time u get 2 choice what house is urs)

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I ran into the boys room and saw Taylor dress and Jean while Eren only had pants on and no shirt. I blush as I stare at him put on his shirt covering up his abs..... Omg I feel like Kou from Free.

"Ready guys?!" I asked and cross my arms. They all nodded and we left. It took awhile but we finally got to the place "Ok so were going to Island of Adventure because they have the Wizarding World of Harry Potter and I MUST GO THERE!!!" I yelled as we enter that park "Plus they have more rides in this park. I got all of us V.I.P passes to!"

I handed the boys a V.I.P necklace and grab Levis hand "We all have to go on the Hulk!" I said and then turn to Eren "Please dont turn into a Titan on this ride. Im going to sit next to you to make sure" I said as we now stand in line for it.

Eren blushes and nods "Dont worry I wont turn on for you" .....'Damn you dirty mind!' I thought because of what he said.

"Um (Y/N) is this safe?" Jean asked looking up at the giant green roller coaster, it was much bigger than the one we went on from the Summer Festival. "Dont worry. Its fine, if it wasnt then they wouldn't let people on" I said. Just then we were next to go on.

I sat in the very front with Eren right next to me "Have you've done this before?" Eren asked. I shook my head no "Im alittle nervous and excited at the same time" I said as Eren grabs my hand. We started to move and went straight up like any other roller coaster "Yay higher!!" I yelled as we were on the very top then DOWN WE GO!!!

Lets just say there was alot of screaming on the ride. Once we got off of it Jean and Eren fell on the ground practically kissing the ground "Come on guys! I want to go to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter!!! Come on my grandma can walk faster than you!" I was draging the boys across the amusement park to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter.

Once we got there. I almost fainted at the sight "MOMMA'S HOME!" I yelled and ran around looking around "Omg guys were in hogsmeade!" I said looking around and then saw the 3 broomsticks "Lets get some butter beers!" Taylor says amd skips over to the 3 broomstick.

"Yay!" I said and grab Jeans hand and pulled him in the pub. Once we got seated we all got butterbeers "Wow this does look like the one in the movies!" Eren said looking around. I nodded my head "I KNOW RIGHT!" Just then a group of people wearing HP robes came walking in "I LUV YOUR OUTFIT!" I yelled over to them.

"Come on I want to go on the rides and buy alot of stuff!" I said as I payed for the butterbeers and drag them (Again) into a random line of a ride. And let me tell you it took forever when with the V.I.P passes! We got in the ride and was strapped in then it started to move just when I saw someone dress in a anime cosplay!

"Wait I must take a picture of that cosplayer" I yelled as I try to get out of the ride but it sadly too late "Dont worry (Y/n), we'll catch the cosplayer later" Taylor said who was sitting next to me and then look forwarded.

"Ekkk omg its Hogwarts!" I said as the ride went through as if were in the real Hogwarts! There was dragons and all the shizz!

After we got off of the ride I ran around the place and went into the souvenir place. I ran right in there and bought every wand and my house robe and a ton more stuff. It felt like comic con all over again!

Eren and Jean was playing with the wands and Eren turn to Jean and point his wand at him "Wingardium LeviosA!" He yells at Jean.

"Eren you idiot! Its LeviOsa, not LeviosA" Jean snap at him.

Just then Taylor pop out and yelled the killing cruse at them and waited for somthing to happen with his wand. He pouted when nothing did happen and threw the wand behind him "My wand was broken" He stated and stuff his hands in his pocket.

We left the world of Harry Potter and went to the Simpson place. "Why is everything yellow?" Levi asked me but I wasnt listen because my feet really hurt from all the running around "Leviiii!" I whine and put my hands on his shoulder and gave him puppy dog eyes "Can you give me a piggy back ride?" I asked.

"Tch" Was all he said "Yay! I didnt hear a no!" and with that I jump on his back and he carried me. Just then a couple walk by "Aww you guys are a cute couple" The woman said to us making me blush mad "Thank you" Levi said and smirk at me. I started waving my hands no"U-um were not a thin-" But she didnt listen to me as she started complaining to her boyfriend about how he never carrys her.

They walk away and I lay my head on Levis shoulder and didnt notice Eren, Jean and Taylor glaring at Levi.

It soon started turning dark "Aww I dont want to leave!" I whined and held onto a metal pole as Taylor was pulling my legs trying to make me let go of the pole.

"(Y/n). People are looking. You can dance on a pole back at home!" Taylor said to me and let go of my legs making then crash on the ground "Owie and I wasnt pole dancing prev!" I said letting go of the pole and rub my leg.

Taylor then pick me up bride style and started carrying me with Eren and Jean carried my bags. "So when are we going back to your house?" Jean asked. "Were leaving tomorrow" Taylor said. I ended up falling alseep on Taylors chest.






Yeah yeah I know short/crappy chapter, but thxs 4 reading~

I hate this chapper tbh😂
But whatever.

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