22: Behind the smile

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This chaper will have some Trigger warnings.



I was walking on the beach really late at night looking beyond the sea thinking about my life.

"Why did he have to come back" I said to myself. I drag my feet in the ocean water that was crashing on shore. I walk away from the water and sat down on the sand and look at the moons reflection on the water.

I pick up a rock and threw it in the ocean. "Why....." I whisper to myself "Why did he come back. He just wants to abuse me again probably" I shook my head as I grib the end of my jacket pulling it down to cover my bloody scars.

Memories flash back in my head as tears where at the edge of my eyes 'Stay strong. Dont cry. Stay stron-......im not.... I lost the war thats inside my head' I look at the ocean again and thinking of ending it all. 'Dont think that (Y/N)! Please. Don't act like that, you are strong! Don't let your past haunt you like that. It's bad enough what I did to my arms when I know it won't help with anything'

I wrap my arms around myself and rock back and forth. *bling* I took out my phone and saw it was from Taylor that text me.

Hey I just went into your room and saw you wernt there! Where are you!?!?!? I check the house and ur not here! Call me!!!!

.....& no im not being Yandere... Ok maybe a little. Im just worried abt u.

I did a dry chuckled as I shut my phone off and put it away. "I better go back" I stand up and started walking back home. I was just crossing the street when I didn't see a car coming my way.

"LOOK OUT!" Some one yelled. Just then I was tackled to the ground and the car zoom by. "HEY WATCH WHERE YOUR GOING JERK!!" The person who saved me yelled to the car.

I sat up as I look at who had saved me. My whole body froze as my eyes stare into Codys brown eyes. "Hey (Y/N). Are you ok?" I said nothin as I was still in shock. "What. You like what you see?" He said with a smirk.

I then snap out of it and growled "You wish!" I quickly got up and started walking away "Hey I just saved your life. At least say thank you" I stop in my track "Thank you" I said not looking at him.

"What was that? I didnt hear you" He was now right behind me. "Thank you!" I yelled as I spun around and try to punch but he catch my fist.

I look up at his face and saw a sad expression on his face. Then he did somthing I didn't think he would do. He pulled my hand and brought me into a hug.

"Hey. Im sorry for what I did. I dont expect you to forgive me right away but I feel bad for the things I did to you" I did nothing for awhile but stand there while he hugged me.

'He apologize?.....should I forgive him?"  Just then flashbacks filled my mind and anger struck me
'No! I will never forgive him!!'

I pushed him away from me and look at him with tears now running down my face "Stop messing with my head! Do you know how much pain you put me through!? What you did to me is somthing no-one should go through! You abuse me everyday! I have scars because of you, from all the times you hit me and such! And for that I can never forgive you!"

Cody looks at me speechless "I- I said I was sorry" He then mumbled. I garled at him "I hope you burn in hell!" I went turn around and saw Taylor standing there staring at me in shock. "(Y-Y/N)?"

I quickly wipe away the flowing tears that ran down my face and look away from him "Why didn't you tell me" He said as he was slowly walking towards me.

I couldn't stop crying and back away and bump right into Cody. My version was blurry because of my tears. I almost lost my balance but Cody grab my arm "Hey are you ok?" Taylor saw this and got angry "GET AWAY FROM HER!" He screams as he stroms over and push Cody away from me.

"Dont tell me what to do!" Cody yelled back. I back away from both of them "How dare you touch (Y/N)!" Taylor said to him.

I couldn't take it anymore so I ran. Ran far away from them and didnt look back. "(Y/N)!" I heard Taylor yell way back. But I didnt stop. I kept running as fast as I could. I then end up on the beach.

I look around and shake my head and continue to run from Cody and the bad memories. I ran along the beach till I trip and collapse on the sandy shore. I brought my knees to my chest and put my head on my knees and cried into them.

I heard foot steps running to me and then stop "(Y/N)" I heard Taylor say softly. He then sat down next to me and grab me and brought me into a hug. I of crouse wrap my arms around him and sob into his chest.

"Shh. Let it all out. You dont have to be strong anymore" I cried harder as he spoke to ...but soon I finally calm down.

I slowly pulled my arm away from him. But I then wince in pain as he grab my wrist. He look confused at first till he felt my jacket a little wet. He close his eyes as hoping its not what he think it was.

"Please dont be" I heard him whisper. I try to pull my wrist out of his grasp but he held on. "Taylor please" I said as fresh tears form in my eyes.

But it was to late as he pulled my jacket sleeve saw the cuts that was buried deep in my wrist. Thats when Taylor broke down. Tears flowed from his eyes like a waterfall as he look at my cuts.

"Im sorry" He said between his sobs. "Im sorry for not protecting you and for not seeing you through your fake smiles. This is all my flaut. I should have stop you from hurting yourself! Im so so sorry"

I shake my head as cup his face with my hands "This is not your flaut. None of this was your fault! You couldn't have done anything to prevent me getting abuse. At least he didn't rape me. I should be the one saying sorry. For not being strong for you, or telling you"

Taylor grabs my face with his hands and brought our foreheads to touch "We cant all be strong (Y/N). Sometimes you just need to let it all out and let the tears out. Im not letting you hurt yourself again tho. You help me with my self harm. Now im going to help you!"

Tears still continue to pour out of our eyes. We stayed like this till we calm down. "Im sorry I didnt tell you about this along time ago. I was just afraid" I said as I layed my head on his chest and he wraps his arm around me.

"I understand but I wish you could have told me so I could have beat him up sooner" I look up at him "Wait did you?" I asked. He looks down at me and says "Yeah I beat him up when you ran away. I kick him in the balls so hard I dont think he'll ever have children" I giggled as he said that.

Taylor then lowered my sleeve again and kiss my wrist "When we get back home I want you to give me your blades" He said.

I nodded "We better get back and bandage your cuts. I dont want you to bleed out" Taylor says as he stands up and helps me up.

We then began to walk back as Taylor held my hand. "Thank you Taylor.....for caring about me" He looks at me and smiles.

"Its because I love you. And now I really now what was behind your smile"







bc i hated the original reason why (Y/n) hated Cody so i change it to abuse.


Heys guys!

Sorry 4 such a sad chapter😭 and i hope i didnt trigger any1.

Ily all!😁💜

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