36: Super Mega Con

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Both the cast and me enter the huge comic con building and saw a bunch of people dress up. I was dress as Yuno Gasai (pic at the top is what ur wearing⬆) While Taylor dress as Dazai Osamu from the anime Bungo Stray Dogs. And the cast wore there uniforms.

"How much I loooove comic cons!" I said as I triwl around in my black dress with my fake sword at Yuno use in the anime. I turn to Taylor and pouted as I look at his cosplay "I still dont get why you couldn't be Yuki! Now I dont have anyone to be Yandere over!" I said making Taylor facepalm "Ah man your right. Then you would have been all crazy about me"

I rolled my eyes and playfully punch his arm "Ha-ha-ha Taylor. Now I really want to met Todd Haberkorn! Since you want to do something else im bringing someone else with me to go see him!" I said and grab Annies and Armins hand because they were right next to me and drag them in line to meet Todd.

As we wait in line and was just a few people away from meeting him I started to fan girl alittle "Omg omg omg omg! Im sooo excited!" I said to Annie making her roll her eyes "Whats this big deal with this Todd dude?" she asked. I gasp and pointed my sword at her "The hell you just said? Todd voices my baes!" I said and noticed we were next.

"U-um (Y/-)" "My name is Yuno!" I said cutting of Armin "S-sorry. How are we going to find the others in this big place after were done?" He asked. I put my finger on my chin and thought for a moment "I'll just call him"

"Ok then" Just then we were next "Omg Todd its a honor to met you!" I yelled as I stood infornt of him "Hello there its nice to met you" Todd said and smiles at me 'I cant belive this is happening! Dont say anything stupid!' "You make all the anime guys voices sound hot!" I said.

I blush after I realize what I just said "Um thanks" Todd says 'BAKA! GREAT (Y/N)! JUST GREAT! NOW HE THINKS YOUR WEIRD!' "Can I please get a autograph and a picture with you please?" I asked jumping up and down.

He nods as I brought out my phone and he stood next to me and put his arm around me and smiles at the camera and I took the pic. After that he gave me a sigh autograph from him. Soon both Annie, Armin and me looking for the cast in the GIANT comic con we were in.

We drove here yesterday and stayed at the Hard Rock Hotel "Ok so this place is VERY big so we may have lost Taylor..." I said to Annie "I thought you were going to call him" Armin says which I didnt hear cuz someone near us started fangirling "Ekkkk! Omg can I take a pic with you?" Someone said behind us. I turn around and saw someone cosplaying as Lucy from Fairy Tail.

"Which one of us?" I asked "All!" she says. I nodded and stood between Annie and Armin as she took a pic "Thanks bye" and with that Lucy left "Lets get some poster and look at peoples cosplays...... And then get some ramen later" I said as I grab Armins hand and begain to walk around.

"Oh yeah Armin I totally forgot. I want you to wear something with your uniform!" I said as I pulled out a pair of shade and a glass bottle of starbucks coffee and put the shades on him and gave him the drink.

"Now your a boss ass b*tch!" I said as I snap my fingers "Remember I showed you guys that video of someone dress as Armin and had that song on? Well thats whats happening right now" (*cough* Video on the top *cough*) Armin blushes as I pulled him close and took a slefie with him.

I gasp as I saw someone dress as Alois skipping and singing "Im so Fancy~ you already know~ "  "Come back here Trancy!" someone dress as Ciel yelled with a sword raise high in the air and catching after him.

"Are comic cons always like this?" Annie asked. A smile appear on my face "Yup and OMG OMG OMG OMGGGG!" I started squealing as I saw some people cosplaying from blue Exorcists!

There was Rin, Mephisto, and Amaimon! "OMG I LUV YOUR COSPLAY!" I said as I ran over to them and jump up and down in my black dress "Hey crazy chick" Rin said looking at me "Can I PLEASE take a picture with you there?" I asked, well more like beg "Sure" "Yay!!"

I stood next to Amaimon and took a pic with all of them "Thank you!" I siad and walk towards Annie and Armin "Now lets spend all of my money on things my parents think I dont need!"

We head towards the shops in the comic con and look at the anime merchandise "Hey (Y/N). What is this?" Annie asked me as she held up a poster scroll "Thats a poster. Let me see what anime its from" I grab it and smirk cuz I saw it was a henti poster "Oh its just a random Anime" I said as I put it back.

I turn around and bump into someone "Oops sorry" I said and look at the person I bump into "Yuno? Well sh*t I thought I got rid of you!" It was someone cosplay as Yuki from my anime I was dress as "Yuki~" I try to say in yunos voice and grab a hold of the cosplayer arm "Where have you've been? I was worried sick. I already had to kill 5 people just for you" I said making both of us laugh and I flip my pink hair/wig over my shoulder.

"Bro I love your cosplay yuno" I triwl in my dress and held up my sword "And I love your cosplay Yuki" He laughs and hold up i his phone "Picture?" He asked. I nodded and put my arm around his shoulder and my sword to his neck and put on my Yandere face "Thanks" He says and walks off.

"NOW LETS BUY TONS OF SHIZZ!" I yelled and ran threw the place buying ALOT of stuff.

~Small Time Skip brought 2 U by Dazai being suicidal~

We walk out of the shopping Center and walk to where the food was. I had 6 bags full of Manga, Plushies, posters, and other merchandise crap.

"Ok so it took like 10 mins just to find this place were taking a break while we eat" I said to them and grab a cup of Ramen noddles and we put hot boiling water in it and let it cook and sat down at a table with a drinks.

"Owie!" I said as I burn my tongue on the hot noddles "You ok (Y-) I mean yuno?" Armin asked me looking concern. "Yeah Im fine" I said and took a sip of my soda.

Just then a group of teens walk by and praise Armin because of the shades and Starbucks "Go Armin!" while some of them did whistling sound and throwing there hands in the air "Hashtag thug life yo!" and they came over with selfie sticks and took pictures of us and then walk away singing the Tokyo ghoul theme song.

"Huh?" Armin act confused at what just happened. "Just some fangirls and fanboys Armin. I told you, your a boss ass b*tch! And remember, You didnt choice thug life. Thug life choice you" I snap my fingers in a Z shape proving my point.

"(Y/N)!!!!!!!" A certain baka shouted behind us making me faceplam. I turn my head and saw Taylor running towards us with a ton of bags probably full of Anime stuff "(Y/N). I was looking for and calling you" He whine to me "Yeah I know" I said and saw the other cast behind us.

Sasha was already at the table with 4 cups of ramen noddles "I haven't seen you all day tho!" Taylor said and cover his bangs with his eyes "Comic cons are our things...."

I rolled my eyes and stood up and gave him a hug "Stop being a pussy Taylor" I said and pulled away and poke him with my sword and turn to Eren "Eren you have to match your best friend in the thug life!" I yelled as I pulled out another pair of shade but bright neon green and put it on his face and stood next to him while I snap my fingers "Fabulous~" I sang.

Taylor then pouts and then sits down and starts to eat some of my ramen "Dont touch my food hoe!" I said and stab his hand with my fork "Fine!" He says and grabs one of Sasha noddles and starts to eat that.

"EKKKKK!" I turn around and saw a some girls hugging Levi while Levi looks disgusted by them touching him "MARRY ME PLZ!" One of the girls screams and didnt let him go "Hey (Y/N). Out hotel is like 15 minutes away from Universal" Taylor says while smiling.

A huge smile appear on my face as I thought for a second "Then I guess I better go online and make a few more arrangements for tickets" I said and high five Taylor.

"Yasss!" Taylor yelled. We all stayed at comic con and had alot of fun......Untill we were kick out when Taylor and Connie took one of the Star War Dark Vader mask from a cosplayer that was supposed to perform in a panel or something and ran around acting high......'Ugh I cant take Taylor anywhere!'

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