43: A day with Jean & 2 other bakas~

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Ok so heres like the thing..... Im going 2 trrry this Jean chaper, but like he isn't really my faaaavvorite dude but i'll try....


Btw plz read the A/N note at the end if the chapter~

(Y/n) POV

"WERE HERE!" I yelled as I park the car in the parking lot.

"Yaay!" Sasha yelled and hop out of the car along with Connie. "Again why did they have to come?" Jean asked in the passenger seat taking off of his seat belt. I pouted and open my door "Because they wanted to come so I let me" Jean gave a 'b*tch please' face.

"Ok they threaten to burn all my anime plushies if I didn't bring them!" I said and hop out of the car while shutting the door and breath in the air.

"Ah the freah outside world.... It seems so over rated" I walk around the car where Jean, Sasha and Connie was. "Ok lets go to the Zoo!!!" I yelled and fist pumped in the air "Yaay!" "Yahoo!" Sasha and Connie yelled at the same time. Sasha even dress up for it, Sasha had a cat ears head band on and and a tiger print shirt and some shorts on with a tail on the back of her pants.

Yes. We're going to a freaking zoo. Idk why but it was the first thing that pop in my mind. I brush my shirt as I we walk to the front entrances, I was wearing a shorts and a black shirt that was says 'Believe in unicorns' ,flip flops and my (H/C) hair in a side braid and with my hand bag. Once I payed to get in we enter. "So I rented us a golf cart for us!" I said to the 3 of them.

"Why is there a golf carts in a zoo?" "Whats a golf cart?" Jean and Connie said at the same time. I laughed at there faces and smiled "We're in the Miami zoo which is a really big zoo in Florida and so its like a tourist attraction and they decided to put golf carts for us lazy people" I explained.

"In this world your people are lazy" Sasha said as she ran over to one of the golf carts that park in a line for people to use. "Come on slow pokes! I want to see the exotic animals!" we got in, I was driving of crouse and Jean sat next to me while the 2 bakas sat in the back. "Here Jean, your in charge of the map" I said handing it to him while I started driving the cart making Connie laugh.

"Whats so funny baldi?" Jean snarled. "Its just your so bad with maps I dont know how (Y/n) didnt know since she knows everything about us more than we do" "Shut up!" Jean yells "Thats why Marco was always the leader in training....." Connie got quiet after that. "Hey (Y/n), how did Marco die?" Jean asked as his hands turn into fist. Flashbacks of volume 77 came in my mind.

"Mmh.... Its a mystery of how he died" I simple said. It wasn't like im going to tell them the truth. I didn't think it was a good idea to tell them. "Hey look! Its lions" I then said pointing at a large opening and about 5 lions layed in the sun looking like there just done with life.


"Oooo! Can we touch the cats?" Sasha asked. I shook my heas while laughing "Not unless you want to die" Sahsa then 'oh' at this and begin to whine "Im huuungry" I groan and rubed my temples "We just got here Sasha" "But I want foood" I sighed and put a my hand on her shoulder "Sahas I want to tell you something.... Your a slut..."

Her eyes went big in shock as I said those words. Then I finish my sentence "..for food" She sighed in relief "Omg I thought you meant something else" She says.

"Fine lets get some food" I said and step on the gas pedal and speed the cart trying not to run people over. "(Y/N) Slow down!!" Jean yells but I didnt listen as zoom down the path and was at the snack bar in less than 30 seconds "WE'RE HERE!" I yelled and Sasha jumped out and ran over to the bar with Connie behind her.

"Their so annoying some times" Jean says as we got out of the cart and walk over towards them "Yeah but there funny" I said making him roll his eyes "Hey come one cheer up. Its a bright sunny day! Come on fluttershy dont be shy!" I said making a pouty face.

A tint of pink rose on his face as I pouted at him "whatever" He said. Once Sasha and Connie was done eating, well mostly Sasha, we then went to back to look at the animals "Omg that are these beautiful creatures?" Connie asked poking at a toad with a stick that was on the sidewalk "Oh my gawd" I said while Jean facepalmed and Sasha was.... Wait, where did she go!?

"Crap!" I yelled and looked around worried "We lost potato gurl!" I yelled. "Dont worry I'll find her!" Connie says and salute to me before he ran off "CONNIE NO, COME BA- you know what I dont care anymore" I said and sighed. I look over at Jean and smiled "lets just look at the animals together and we'll probably bump into them later" I siad.

He nods and put his hands in the pocket of his jeans.

"Ok thats cool" He replied and we started to walk around since the one of the workers took our cart away because I was speeding with it.

We walk around enjoying the animals..... Then we got to the horses.....

"Hey Jean look its yo-" He cut me off by a pair of lips apon mine. It was a quick peck on the lips just to shut my up.

I look up at Jean a little bit in shock "Im not a horse. Im more handsome then them" He says and had a smirk on his face.

I chuckled "Wanna bet?" I said. He frowned and fake pouted "Aw you hurt my feelings" I punch him lightly on the arm "Im just joking bro. Chill~" He smiles and I of crouse smiled back.

Just then a pair of bakas came out of no where but not in the way I wish I saw. "YAHOOO!!" Sasha yells riding a horse down the pathway with a face paint of a cat on her face to match her outfit and Connie behind her and racing the horses with a fat over weight zoo keeper running after them out of breath "Oh my gosh.... SASHA, CONNIE!!! GET OFF OF THOSE MINI JEANS!!!" I yelled chasing after them.

"IM NOT A HORSE!" Jean yelled behind me chasing after me and the bakas.

After running after them around half of the zoo we were told kindly to leave..... Ok thats a lie. They scream at us to leave the premises or they'll call the cops.

"Greta job Potato Girl! You got us kick out!" Jean angrily said towards her "Potato girl!? Take that back!" She yells at him "Yeah take that back!" Connie says as his face was painted like a panda from the face paint he apparently went to when he ran off to find Sasha earlier.

"Um how about no" He said with sass... I think he's been hanging out with Taylor to much. We got in the car and I started the car and start to drive home.

Taylor's POV

So here I am sitting in my room throwing darts at a picture of Donald Trump in my room waiting for (Y/n) to come back fron her 'date'. "Ugh (Y/n) I miss you!" I whined.

I flop backwards on my bed thinking to myself of what im going to do for (Y/n) on our date "How am I going to compete with anime guys!? Its like a fangirls dream come true! I'll never win her heart" I said as a single tear slide down my face.








That and I got suck into the anime and game...

Ok so.....


And if so.... WHO DO U LIKE THE BEST!?!?!?! Mine is 707....#luvLuciel4ever


Thats like one of the reasons I haven't updated much..... Yup.... Luv that game!



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