42: A day with Eren~

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(Y/n) POV

I ran across the grass field with Eren right behind me catching up to me as we reach ontop of the hill and thats were I stop and catch my breath waiting for Eren.

I then felt someone crash into my back making me fall forward in the grass with Eren chest press against my back "S-sorry (Y/n)!" Eren yells as he quickly got up and grabs my hand and pulls me up.

"Thats o-ok. So anyway across this fleid is a l-long river stream were g-going to go on a canoes and paddle d-down the river and stuff" I said still trying to catch my breath as I played with my earrings. I was wearing a black shirt with ripped jeans and vans.  (pic below is what ur wearing⬇)

"H-how aren't you not o-out of breath from running?

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"H-how aren't you not o-out of breath from running?...we like ran 6 miles!" I said looking at him. Eren chuckled and smiles "(Y/n)...its wasn't even half a mile we just ran and anyway im use to it from training" He said. "You know this made me realize something" I said.

"That you need to exercise more?" He said with sass "Nooooo. I realize that im lazy!" I said and jump on Erens back "I dont think you have to run up a small hill just to figure that out (Y/n)" Eren says towards me. "Shut up" I mumbled and layed my head on his shoulder.

"Now wheres the river?" He asked. I pointed straight forward towards a long river with trees on the land beside it leaning over the water making it have shade. "Ok.... Im guessing im carrying you right?" "oh yeah" I said as my arms wrap around his neck and my legs were around his waist.

It didnt take long to get to the river where the canoes were. I got off of Erens back and grab the canoe and place it in the water and got in the front seat holding the paddle "Come in Eren, its perfectly safe" I said holding a paddle to him.

"Ok" He says as he climbs in almost losing his balances but sits down and put the tip of the paddle in the water ready to paddle "Ready? Ok, ONWARD!!" I yell as I started to paddle down the river bend. Its was 3:47pm so the the sun wasn't beating down on us. "So Eren do you like my very odd world?" I asked and look over my shoulder. Eren did a dry laugh as he rubs the back of his neck.

"Well its very odd thats for sure, I mean everyone acts so careless and happy other than my world. No one here is worry about if today is there last day alive... Its nice... But thats what I want my world to be like, one day. I swear I'll kill every titan! Every last one of them" He yelled the last part and grib the edge of the canoe.

I smiled "Thats lovely.... That reminds me of somthing I read before that got to me so much that I started to like freak out" I said and paddle some more. "What was it?" Eren asked.

"I think it went something like this: What happen if in the end of snk if Eren annihilated all the titans, and he was about to be awarded some high position or something, but then he locks himself in a empty room with a mirror and Mikasa is banging on the door asking him to let her in, and Armin is trying to talk to Eren to letting them in, and Eren is looking in the mirror and he just says '....... Every last one of them' and then just kills himself" I said as I stared into the water.

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