4: Pizza & sleeping Arrangements

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(BTW Thats what ur house look like↑ & u dont live right next 2 the ocean but like a few streets away)


*Ding dong*

*Bark Bark Bark* Daisy then started running around in circle like she tail was on fire.

"I'll get it!" I yelled as I ran up to my front door and open it to see the pizza guy there with 3 large cheese pizza.

"Thanks you, here's the money and keep the change" I said to the young pizza delivery guy. I grab the pizza and set them down on the dinning room table.

"Yooo dinner time, come and get it" I yelled.

Soon everyone came in and sat down. I had to get some extra chairs from the other room so eveyone can sit at the table. "Yay! Pizza my fav fav" Taylor said as he grabs a slice and stuff it in his face.

"What is it?" Connie says as he pokes it. I pass out paper plates and put a slice on there plates "Its called pizza, I thought I told you guys this" Taylor said.

"Im glad you told them at least the important things" I said to Taylor. He nods his head. "It looks disgusting" Levi said and looks at it.

Sasha then pick up and took a bit "YUUUUUM! ITS GOOD!" She then started inhaling it. "See Sasha likes it" Levi still just look at it.

"Sasha likes anything" Jean said. Then Connie took a bit and soon the rest was to.

"Levi have some its really good" Hanji said with a mouth full of food. "Tch dont eat with your mouth full you idiot" He then picks up the pizza and took a small bit "Tch" and ate some more.

"Taylor can you get us drinks?" I asked. He then begains to whine "Do I have to!?" I then threw a dragon ball Z ball on the side of his head.

"Yes cuz im the one that got the food and clean the house and your always coming home late! So at least you can do if get all of us drinks!" We started fighting like an old married couple.

"Im sorry but I've been working just for us so we can buy goodies and stuff, why cant you realize that" He then fakes crys.

Eren who was sitting next to him look at me "Is he going to be ok?" I nodded "Yeah we just kid around, but if I really want him to do something I just do this"

I then lean over the table and grab his phone and immediately his head shot up " My phone!" I then unlock it and went through it. "I'll give it back when you bring the drinks" He groans and gets up.

"So I'll tell you guys the sleeping Arrangements. So Mikasa, Sasha and Hanji can sleep in my room. One can sleep on my pull out bed from under my bed and the other can can sleep on my air mattress"

The girls nod there head "Now for the guys, 3 can sleep in the guest room and the other three can sleep in the game room which has alot of couchs"

Then Taylor pop his head in "And where will I be sleeping?" He said as he put a cup infront of everyone and filled it up with water "I don't know maybe the couch?"

He sets a coke infront of me and looks me in the eye "I don't want sleep on the couch tho! ....I'll just crash in your bed then"

I groan "You kick in your sleep tho"

He rolled his eyes "Are you guys dating?" Mikasa ask causing Taylor to spit out his Root Beer all over Jean "Bro what the hell!?" Jean then to began wipe himself of with some napkins.

"N-no we're just best friends and anyway Taylor is bisexual but he's more into boys, thats the only reason why I let him in my bed"

Then they all 'ooohh'

"And also im your best friend right!?" He yells making me giggle "That to". Taylor then flips his hair "of crouse"

~Small Time Skip cuz im lazy~

"Lets watch a movie!" Taylor said as he ran to the living room looking through my movies.

Everyone was in the living room while Taylor put a disc in the DVD player.

He lays on the floor while I sat next to Levi. "What are we doing?" Levu asked me. I turn and smiled at him "Entertainment, but dont worry im sure Taylor didnt pick one with to much violence or inappropriate"

"Where watching Fifty Shade of Grey " Taylor says.

"TAYLOR!" I started throwing pillows at him "Im just kidding..... Fifty shades darker~" a smirk appear on his face as my glare harden. "Ok ok jk were watching Harry Potter, the 1st one"

I fist pump in the air "YASS! Draco's my man! Slytherin is my house yo! "

That all look at me confused. "Just watch it and I'll explain it to you along the way you muggles"

We all watch the movie and when it ended it was time to go to bed. "That was a good movie, long but good" Eren said to me as I smirk "We're all going to watch one Harry Potter movie every night till we get to the 8th movie!"

I got up and saw it was 11:30 "Well its time for bed, I'll show the boys where the there sleeping first"

They all nodded and followed me. I walk through the halls till we got to my game room which had a air hockey table, Video games, and much more, the game room was the attic. But its not like one of those creppy dusty one but a really cool and chill place and like any other room.

"Ok maybe Jean, Connie and Amrin can sleep here, one can sleep on the couch and one can sleep on the other couch and the thrid one can sleep on the air mattress"

"Thanks" Armin said as we left with Erwin, Levi and Eren followed me to the guest room. As we enter there was two twin beds and a couch that folds out into a bed.

"So you guys can fig-" Levi cut me off by talking to Eren "Oi Jeager, your sleeping on the couch"

'If Levi and Eren got married he would be saying that alot' I thought in my head while giggling.

"Anyway good night guys~" I sang as I left the room.

I skip to my room and there was Mikasa sitting on the pull out bed beside my bed and Hanji on the comfy air mattress & Sasha laying on the couch while Taylor sitting on my bed.

"Hey~" Taylor said and did jazz hands. I laughed as I walk over to my drawer and grab PJ's and quickly change. Just as I exited my bathroom Taylor rush past me and shut the door and I heard him yell "Dont come in im changing yo"

I jump on my bed and saw Hanji asleep & so was Mikasa with Daisy sleeping next to her and Sasha about to. I climbed into bed and close my eyes about to go to sleep untill someone crushed me with there body.

"T-Taylor!" I yelp as he chuckled and climbed into bed next to me "I cant belive the Attack On Titan cast in your house!" I giggled as I look at Taylor through the dark "I know right....I feel like its just a dream"

Taylor yawns like a kitten
and his eyes close "Yeah... well good night (Y/N)" "Good night Taylor"

And with that I fell asleep with the sound of some one whispering
'potato potato potato' in there sleep.

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