21: Ice Skating & Cody

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Taylors POV

"Ugh come on (Y/N). Were waiting for yoooou" I yelled up stairs. 'I wonder whats taking her so long.....girls take forever' "Hey wheres (Y/N)?" Eren asked. I look at him and saw him dress all cute and handsome for (Y/N)-_-. "Shes up stairs getting something warm on for the ice skating rink" He nods and walks away.


I was in my bathroom wearing black rip jeans and a (F/C) hoodie staring at my phone looking at the text messages I got.

Ur such a loser. U should just kill yourself

U deserve what my cousin did to u u slut!! No1 likes u anyway! Do the world a favor and die!

I sighed as I put my phone down and look in the mirror. I was used to being bully. I never told Taylor about it because I didnt want him to worry and so.

Abby is a girl from school that likes to bully people and im her favorite to pick on. *bling* I got another text. I pick it up and I froze at what it said.

Hey loser guess what! My cousin Cody just came back about a week ago. Heres moving back here. I bet u want 2 date him again u slut! Like he would ever want u

Tears threaten to fall from my eyes as I remember everything Cody did to me. We 'broke up' because he had to move away. He left me in pain. I was 13 at the time when he moved out of the state.

I shake my head and grib my hair "I thought I got rid of him!" I yelled to myself. I look at my phone and saw it blow up with Abby messages.

Your so ugly no1 will ever love you!

You should just bleed out and die!

(Im srry if any of these r triggers 4 any of u readers)

Every person in your life is fake! Think about it! No1 loves u. Even ur parents leave u 4 months cuz they hate u

Your just a mistake!!!!!

I look into the mirror as those words echo in my mind. I sighed as I open the cabinet and took out a old friend of mine that I haven't used in a long time.

Time skip brought 2 u by the Survey Corps

Armins POV

We were in the car right now and I was sitting up front and everyone chatting in the back set. We were heading towards this place were you could ice skate.

I look over to (Y/N) and notice that she hasn't spoken that much "H-hey (Y/N). Are you ok? You haven't speak that much" she turns her head "Im fine" She then smiles but it didnt reach her eyes.

"Oh look were here!" She says as she then parks the car.

Time skip (again) Brought to you by Dumbledore


Everyone got there skates on and was about to go on the ice. "Come on (Y/N)!" Taylor says as he grabs my hand and pulls me out on the ice and started skating.

"Taylor not so fast" I said giggling as I grib onto his arm. "Its ok. I got you" He said. Just then a pair of arms grab me from both sides and pulled me away from Taylor. I look and saw it was Connie and Sasha that took me away from Taylor. "Lets go. Its team Rocket!!" They both said at the same time.

I laughed as I got out of there grib and skated away from them and skated to Levi who was leaning on the wall and a couple of girls eying him. "Hey Levi" I said as I stop in front of him. He looks at me and nods.

The AOT Cast Is In My Room!?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon