Chapter 10 - Hockey

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I turned to followed Justin to the underground car park and found myself in front of a shiny white Ferrari. I chuckled at the sight in front of me. You have got to be kidding me! Could he be any more cliche? A thought rushed through my brain and I crouched next to the car taking a look underneath it and looking around me like I was searching for something.

"What are you looking for?" Mr. Moneybags snapped at me. I could sense him roll his eyes. Thanks for playing along!

I continued to look underneath the car. "Nothing... just your balls..." I muttered to myself loud enough for him to hear. Then I got up. "No... nothing." I shrugged and smirked at him. Justin shook his head violently. He had to admit it was funny as he couldn't hide his smirk.

"Get in!" He snapped at me playfully as I full on laughed.

As we sat in the car I replied to some messages on my phone from friends and family asking how I was doing today out of all days. "Hey, I need to call my grandma real quick. I'm sorry." I excused myself to Justin as I raised the phone to my ear. He merely nodded in response. The call only took a couple of minutes. We both tried to stay strong for each other and just wanted to check the other was doing okay. The only reason I allowed myself to call her in front of Justin was because I knew we would both pull ourselves together and not break down. With anyone else I would definitely have balled my eyes out. My happy front was up and running but it was weak and easily torn apart, I knew this much. Answering the texts also made me sad, but I needed to let people know I was okay. They all worried about me.

To distract me from all this I decided to check my emails before facing Mr. Moneybags again. If I knew one thing then that I definitely wouldn't let myself break down in front of him out of all people! One email caught my eye and I gaped at my phone. It was from someone unknown to my cousin and he had forwarded it to me. They wanted to take a look at my house in the hills. The bastard put it up for sale! I told them time and time again I wasn't selling the house. They all didn't get off my back, but I never thought it would get this far. "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!?" I yelled at my phone not wasting time to dial my cousin.

"What!?" Justin slammed the brakes in shock.

"I'm sorry." I laughed as he looked at me bewildered and utterly confused. "Keep going." I added as cars around us honked violently.

"Gosh Emma! I almost killed us here! What's wrong with you?" He shook his head as he started driving again. Before I got a chance to get back to him Rico picked up.

"Who the actual fuck do you think you are!? I said time and time again I'm not selling the house! Are you mentally disabled or what is so hard to understand about it? What the fuck! I trusted you! If you let strangers into my house I swear to god I am gonna kill you!"

"Emma calm down! It's good to see you're doing better this year." I rolled my eyes. "I was just making it an option for you. We all told you, you need to sell the house. It doesn't make sense for you to keep it as you're never there and you need to move on. It's not good for you to be reminded of everything all the time."

"Once and for all: I'm not selling the house my brother and I grew up in - full stop!" My voice cracked at the mention of Max. "I don't care if it doesn't make sense to keep spending money on it when I'm never there. You and I both know I couldn't care less." I paused sighing. "Don't tell me how to handle things. You guys need to stop that! I'm better this year. I'm moving on. I moved to Canada and I'm living a normal life. Right now I'm on my way to watch a hockey match with friends while last year I was curled up in a ball in my bed with two bottles of red wine in my system." Tears sprung to my eyes at that memory. I took a deep breath to steady myself. Crap, keep it together Emma! "Now, thank you all for worrying but I'm fine, okay? And thank you for giving me options and doing things, but I'm not selling the house - and that's final!"

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