Chapter 50 - The aftermath

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I'm sooooo sorry for not updating in forever. 🙈 I'm on business trips Sunday through Friday at the moment and work around 12 hours per day, so I don't have much time to write unfortunately. So, so sorry. I know I should be better to you guys.

Thank you so much for giving me 3k reads on this one. It honestly means the world and I appreciate you so much. Thanks for doing this for me even when I'm treating you badly. 😅 I'm really happy.

Here you go, next chapter. It's from Justin's point of view. Have fun!

Lots of love xxx


Justin's point of view:

There she lay peacefully asleep next to me. The doctors told me I could take her back to the hotel, but I insisted she stayed the night at the hospital. I was worried sick about her. Emma was so broken - I had seen her cry and fall apart before but this was something else. She was hurting so much and there was absolutely nothing I could do to make it better. If only I had thought about this before. Emma had told me the guy who killed her family was a football player, I should have been more careful. There was no way I could have anticipated this, but if I had paid more attention I could've found out what club the guy played for and prevented this. Part of me blamed myself for Emma's state. I couldn't help but feel like I put her in this position and exposed her to the idiot.

My poor baby was suffering and I wished I could just take her pain away. I wished there was something I could say or do to make it go away, but even after spending the whole night thinking about how to help her I still had no idea. This sucked so much! I was out of my depth here and felt incredibly useless and helpless.

So here I was in a hospital room in Milan, watching my girl sleep. I had placed myself next to Emma in her bed and watched her like a hawk. The doctors had told me to go and come back in the morning but there was no way I was leaving her alone right now. It was the very least I could do - be there for her.

The clock over the door was ticking in an annoying way, and time wouldn't pass. Right now the hands showed that it was thirteen minutes past four. We had been here for almost five hours now. Still I couldn't wrap my head around the events that went down over the past couple of days. How did we go from being insanely happy to reunite before my show to spending the night at a hospital in just over 24 hours? How did everything go downhill like that? We were fine. Emma was fine. As little as twelve hours ago she watched me kick some balls with Neymar and was all smiles and now we're here... That's insane!

What have I done?

Emma had done such a great job at making progress. She finally seemed to be enjoying life again and made plans, reconnected with the industry and music. The writing had been so good for her. Damn, she was even happy at times. Now it's all gone down the drain. Dammit, I messed up big time. And the worst part is she won't even be mad at me. Emma never really is, only if I annoy her or she feels cornered. Other than that she is pretty damn chill.

What did I do to deserve this insanely talented, incredibly beautiful, caring, loving, strong and amazing young lady? Emma is so powerful and she'll be so successful even without trying too hard. Yet she doesn't see that, she is so down to earth it's phenomenal. And then there's her huge, big, good heart - don't get me started on that. I'm so blessed there's a spot for me in it.

For a while there I dosed off as well. Only for about two hours though. Then I was back to my thoughts. Emma was still asleep. It appeared she hadn't moved one bit.

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