Chapter 33 - Moods

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"Come on. Let's play Singstar again, please!" Jazzy begged.

"Alright, fine." I paused. "Go set it up, I'll be right there."

"Yay!" With that the little girl ran off. I was babysitting again. Jermey and Chelsea were attending some event in Toronto over the weekend. Allie and Jazzy had begged me for a while now to play Singstar with them. Jaxon was in his room playing on his Xbox. He had been fairly quiet all day and I was a little worried. Therefore I went to check on him again before joining the girls in their room.

I knocked on the door. "Hey there big boy. How are you doing?"

"I gotta finish this level. I've been stuck for an hour." He seemed a little frustrated. Great, now he was in even more of a mood.

"Okay. I'm gonna go play Singstar with the girls and was wondering if you wanted to join us."

"No!" He exclaimed. "Singstar is for girls!" Okay then. Geez!

"Okay. If you need anything you know where to find me. Good luck with completing the level." I shot him a smile which he didn't see because he stayed focused on the TV all the while. I left his room and went over to the girls.

"Alright then. Let's do this! What did you pick?"

"Disney!" Allie informed me as Jazzy handed me a microphone. I sat down between the girls and we started the game. This time I did sing, just tried to tone it down a notch so they wouldn't get upset over losing against me. The first round I won still, so I toned it down even more so one of them could win. The second round Jazzy won and the third one Allie. Perfect! All happy.

"Can we play again?" Jazzy begged.

"Everyone won once, why don't we quit right now so we're all equal?" I asked.

"No. We need to determine a winner." Allie chipped in.

"I don't want anyone to cry if they don't win later!" I joked and they assured me that wouldn't happen. So we played another couple of rounds. Eventually I decided it was time to make dinner, so I put the pizzas in the oven as instructed. Jaxon still hadn't shown and was still in his room. So, while the girls played something on their iPad I went to check on the little man. Once again I approached his room carefully and knocked on the door.

"Hello big boy, how's it going?" Wrong question apparently.

"Im still stuck and you're distracting me!" Okay then.

"Okay. I'm gonna leave you to it. Dinner will be ready in 20 minutes."

"Im not hungry!" He growled. Jesus Christ! What's up with him?

"There's pizza..." I tried to persuade him. Jaxon shrugged and kept playing. Fine then. "I'm gonna call you when it's ready." With that I left him again.

I went back downstairs to the kitchen to watch the pizza and to pass time I went through the notifications on my phone. Chelsea had sent me a photo of her and Jeremy all ready to go out. They looked lovely and I told her so. There were also a couple messages from my friends and family to which I replied. Apparently there were articles on Justin hanging out with some woman a couple nights ago. Jealous me checked it out and found there to be no evidence of anything he wasn't allowed to do, but still I found it weird that he didn't mention it. I mean, why wouldn't he? If there's nothing going on then why not? We talked daily and told each other everything we had been up to that day... I was confused but decided to ignore the topic for the time being.

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