Chapter 19 - Lunch date

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I was currently sat at some fancy LA restaurant with Paris, jazzy and jaxon. I had taken them with me. We had ordered and were currently waiting for our food. The kids were playing on their iPads and so Paris and I got a chance to talk. Just now I explained to her how the kids were with us.

"So, you stayed at Justin's last night?"

"Yeah..." I trailed off. "I forgot the code to Elton's place, so I was gonna check into a hotel, but he offered, so..."

Paris squinted her eyes at me. What's up with her? "If I remember correctly, you have quite the mansion yourself here in LA. I'm sure you didn't forget that code now, did you?" She pressed.

"Paris, I haven't been there in more than two years... I really didn't feel like going there all by myself. Especially not after how emotional last night was for me..." I told her honestly. I was scared to go back. My family and I lived here when I was little and the house was full of memories. Dad always stayed here when he was in LA on business and the place just held a huge amount of memories. Whenever anyone of us felt like doing some music and shutting out the world for a while we came here.

Paris nodded at me. "I know I have to go back there at some point, Paris." I told her.

"Yeah... yeah..." she wasn't having it. "So you and Justin or what?" I glared at her for that as J&J were eavesdropping and Jazzy surely was gonna spill everything I was saying right now.

"Me and Justin what? We're friends, I'd say..." I told her and she understood to stop this conversation right now. Besides, not her as well!? I mean please - I already got more than enough people bugging me with Mr. Moneybags! Our food finally arrived and we all dug in.

"So... when are you planning on going back to the hills?" Paris pressed.

"I don't know... I haven't decided yet. For now I'm staying at Elton's place." I was itching to go, though.

"When are you going back to Canada?" Thank you Paris for changing the topic!

"I don't know. I'm assuming Justin is gonna stay here for another while, so I thought I might catch their flight" I motioned between the kids "so they don't have to fly by themselves." Paris nodded again. "I haven't talked to Justin about it yet though."

"What exactly happened last night? You seemed to really dislike him and now you seem totally fine having him around." Paris laughed and I joined her.

"I don't know..." I really didn't. "Your were right, I guess... maybe he does know a thing or two about music, and you were also right about me comparing my talent to anyone else's. So, I'm trying that now and I'm giving him a chance. I never really did, I guess."

"He has this awesome piano, you know?" I smiled at her.

Paris laughed. "You should see yourself right now. You look like a child on Christmas morning. There's that sparkle in your eyes again. You are so itching to play girl!" She mocked me.

"I know. I didn't sleep at all last night. This place is insane. I fell like everything is pulling me toward music, but I don't know if I'm strong enough to go back. I'm scared..." I trailed off and paused. "Elton said something to me in New York after we went to broadway and before I sang again for the first time in years..."

"What did he say?"

"He basically told me I could never let go of music. All I could do was chose not to perform for a while. He said for people like us, music is everywhere and we can't escape it, because it's in our blood and pumping through our veins. That won't stop no matter what I do. I can ignore it for a while, but it'll never go away..." Tears sprung to my eyes.

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