Chapter 49 - Football

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The next day we started with an early breakfast so we wouldn't waste the day lying in bed. Then we went to explore the city. Paps and fans were a bit of a pain obviously but I figured this was part of the package that was my boyfriend so I went along with it. Also Justin had organized security and a car taking care of us. After visiting the cathedral and strolling through the grand mall - including some shopping - we had some "Gelato" for lunch.

In the afternoon we met his friend Neymar who apparently was some famous football player hence we hung out at the training court of Milan's football club. Supposedly there was a match at night where I had agreed to go with Justin. Unlike me he liked these things and was into sports. My what-the-hell-is-sport self didn't give too much about watching a match but meeting and supporting Justin's friends was something I wouldn't turn down.

Neymar played for the opposing team and had traveled here from somewhere I couldn't remember. Justin had told me the club, but I didn't bother to remember it. We both greeted him and chatted for a while. I liked the guy, he seemed genuine and nice. After the official training he kicked around a little with some player called Rafinha and Justin. I found it cute to see how much my boyfriend enjoyed himself while I watched from the sidelines.

Quickly though I got bored and decided to make some calls regarding the situation with my American family. I asked the bank to transfer more money into the decoy account I gave out to Kylie so whatever hospital bills she was paying were covered. Also I received her email with the creditors. My lazy self had hoped it would only be a few, but there were at least fifty different ones. Kylie had been a doll though and included the bank details, balances and references so I could start paying them off as soon as I got myself ten million from somewhere. Rico always put my money somewhere, him and Keith invested it into various things - I had literally no clue. To cover for my living expenses I was set up with a regular transfer and a backup account. I had more than enough money on my hands, just not ten million without running out of cash. It was probably stupid of me not to care what happened to my money but after my family died it was the least of my worries and frankly I didn't wanna know. Aside from buying the house in Canada I haven't bought anything I couldn't buy when my parents were alive and managing the accounts. The only reason I ever got the money was because I lost my family so I would give it all and trade it for them. That was also why I didn't wanna know about it back in the day. To my luck Keith and Rico stepped in and things stayed like that ever since. It was time for me to learn though. When I got back to Berlin I would tackle that and sit down with Rico to make him explain. We were talking on the phone currently.

"I need ten million dollars, Rico."

"What? Are you buying a house again?" He wasn't gonna like this.

"No. Peter has cancer." Well it's not a lie...

"Emma, are you crazy? No way! Don't do that!" Told you.

"Rico, they're still my family."

"They put you through hell!" He exclaimed. Well he was right and I knew it, but the decision was made.

"Rico, this is my decision. I will pay for it. Now where do I find myself ten million dollars?"

"You won't." Rico chuckled. "I'm not getting you the money."

"Rico, it's my money. I understand your concern, but please let me do this."

"No." I rolled my eyes at his stubbornness.

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