Chapter 51 - Berlin

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Emma's point of view:

Home. This is the place closest to somewhere I call home. Moving around with my parents made me lose the feeling of home, but Berlin was the place I would consider that nowadays. My mum was gonna like this as it's in Germany, her home country. Part of her family lives here too - my cousin Rico with his wife Clara and their kids Laura and Marc who were five and three years old already. Also Rico's mother, my mum's sister Suzy and her husband Theo lived there as well as Rico's sister Rita and her fiancé David. My nana still lived in Frankfurt, where my mum and her sister grew up. These people were my family and nothing but good to me.

Currently we were having dinner together at my house. I had lived here with my parents and Max before the accident. Afterward I completely renovated the place so it wouldn't remind me of them too much. Still I loved coming here. Seeing as I did high school here in Germany I also had some friends here still and looked forward to seeing them again as well.

"So how's the preparation with Dr. Meyer going?" Theo asked. Thanks for reminding me. Sadly right now the upcoming hearing was the reason for me to be here.

"Good. We talked strategy the other day and I think I'm almost ready. There are only a few things left to cover." Which was good because the hearing was in a week and I was already nervous.

"Sounds good." Suzy smiled warmly at me.

"How's your thesis coming along?" Rico changed the topic and I mentally thanked him.

"Good. I'm actually ahead of time so things are going great. Keith provided me with all the data I need and I'm currently doing the empirical part with the analysis. The theoretical part is almost finished. Now it would be great if my hypothesis worked out and I don't have to start all over." I chuckled.

"Great. If you need help or want me to read it just let me know." Rico knew these things. He had a degree in business and worked in finance.

"Thanks. I'll probably hold you to it and send the whole thing to you once I'm finished." I smiled.

"Sure. No problem." Perfect. I found someone to proof read my thesis. Awesome.

"How's your Popstar boyfriend?" Rita grinned at me. She loved seeing me happy and teased me about Justin whenever she could.

"Good. He's touring Europe at the moment. I saw him in Milan a couple weeks back." I smiled. Thinking of Justin always did that to me.

"Perfect. You better introduce him to us soon. We don't want you to fall too hard for the guy before we approved of him. What if we decide he's not good enough for you and you have to dump him?" Rita smirked at me.

"He will come here for the hearing so you'll meet him then. I won't dump him though - no matter what you say." I smirked back at her. "I'm pretty sure you'll love him."

"Better not. Otherwise he dumps you for me." I laughed at her comment. Rita's the best.

A couple days later I finally sat down with Rico to discuss my finances. Time to grow up Emma!

"Alright, Emma. This is your portfolio." Here we go with the fancy finance talk. "I made a list of the real estate you own and put down what it's worth roughly. Take a look at it. I also included the yacht." Holy shit! Only my real estate was already worth around 100 Million dollars. Okay I mean there's Berlin, LA, London (UK), Ibiza, the yacht and my recently purchased house in Canada. I was still looking for my Aspen house but it was nowhere to be found on the internet, not up for sale.

"Fucking hell." I took a sip of my water.

"You okay?"

"Yeah. It's just more than I expected."

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