Chapter 35 - Security

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The next day rolled around and I got up and made my way back to my place to grab my things for class. I was still shadowed by the police and trust me I didn't like it. While I got ready for school, the security guys Justin had organized for me arrived and we introduced ourselves and talked for a while on how this would work. Also I showed them a photo of the bastard so they knew whom to look out for. Afterward they talked to the police as well to get more information.

Justin being overprotective had instructed Mikey to pick out my security and he came up with two really buff guys called Hugo and Emmet. Apparently Hugo worked for Justin whenever he was in LA and I remembered him from our trip to Santa Monica.

"We're gonna take turns and one of us will be with you at all times. Tomorrow a third guy called John will join our team." Hugo who was apparently head of my security detail explained. I listened and nodded. "You can still continue your life like usually and do anything you want, one of us is just gonna come with you wherever you go. Okay?" I nodded again. "If you have any questions just let me know. Emmet will be off in a minute and I'm gonna take the first shift."

"Okay then." I answered. This already annoyed me. Why does the bastard keep interfering with my life? This was all because of him. Also part of me couldn't help but wonder if Justin installed the guys to watch me or watch out for me... Just thinking about all the fuss this would be causing was a pain. In school everyone would ask questions and know. I wasn't gonna tell people and explain this to everyone. It annoyed the hell out of me. Suck it up Emma! Deep down I knew I needed security. The bastard still hadn't left the country and the thought of him showing up here again scared me.

Eventually it was time for me to leave for class and Hugo drove me to university. I thought he'd stay outside campus and wait for me to come back but I was terribly wrong. Hugo followed me absolutely everywhere. He went to class with me, walked me to my next class, watched me having lunch with some classmates and never left me alone for even a split second.

"So who's the guy?" Lily asked.

"Security." I rolled my eyes.

"What? Are Justin's fans going crazy on you?" She was concerned. What am I gonna say?

"It's just a precaution. Justin is being protective..." I replied and she smirked at me.


Soon after I excused myself to find the bathroom. I had not even managed to walk five feet away from the table when Hugo caught up with me. "Where are you going?"

"Uhm... bathroom." I replied and shot him a look. Was he seriously gonna walk me to the bathroom? Guess what - so he did. I had a freaking security guard waiting for me outside the girls bathroom.

I did my business and washed my hands. As I did so I observed myself in the mirror when another girl joined me to wash her hands and touch up her makeup. "Hey, uhm, are you Emma?"

"Uhm... yes." I replied shyly. I hated it when that happened. I'm not famous in fact I hate fame, but ever since the media keeps publishing stories about me and Justin people come up to me every once in a while.

"Oh my god! You're Justin's girlfriend, right?" She almost hyperventilated.

"Yeah. I guess so..." I shot her a small smile.

"Oh my god! So nice to meet you! I'm Sally. I've been a Belieber since 2009."

"Wow. Really?" She nodded. "Nice to meet you Sally."

"Would you take a selfie with me?" She asked.

"Uhm... I'm sorry, I don't do photos I'm afraid. Fame isn't really my thing..." I informed Sally which caused her face to fall immediately and somehow I felt sorry for her.

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