Chapter 56 - Here's to the future

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Going back to Canada I finished up my studies, took my exams and wrapped up my master thesis. When I packed up my flat I remembered how I moved in here less than a year ago. Back then I was a whole different person - well not actually different maybe, but I was locked up and though I always thought I was fine, I was barely breathing and only just managed to live with my fate. Effectively I was hiding from the world, scared and hurting inside - so badly I avoided any kind of confrontation with my past.

Look where I am today - I own a house in Canada, finally allowing myself to be the one I am. Ever since Justin entered my life things just lit up and got better. For the first time I opened up and faced my inner demons. He gave me the strength to do that.

Lots of amazing people entered my life - there were the girls with whom I would keep in touch  for sure. Then there were Jeremy, Chelsey and the kids who apparently considered me family. Just thinking about that gave me this warm feeling of belonging somewhere. One year ago I was lost and lonely, there were great people in my life before but I shut them out and now it feels like I have a ton of family watching out for me.

Most importantly I now had Justin by my side which was the greatest gift ever. It really felt like he was the angel my parents and Max sent me to look out for me. I liked the idea of that so I kept telling myself it was true. His love and just his self gave me so much strength. With him things always looked good, I knew I'd get out the other side even when things got rough and it felt like I was able to conquer the world simply because he believed in me. I was so in love with him - it's crazy. Remember how I called him Mr. Moneybags and got annoyed with him all the time? Smirking to myself I sat down on the sofa looking around my flat. There was the photo of me and my family which I crashed at the anniversary when Justin drank with me and supported me. So many memories...

The movers interrupted my thoughts and after I closed the last box they took the furniture which would be given away to charity and packed the boxes into the moving van taking them to the new house. Way too soon they were finished. Shooting a last look around my flat I pulled the door closed behind me and locked it up. Good bye!


Over the summer I joined Justin on tour so we could spend more time together. I still had my thesis to finish but I worked on that while he had meetings. Luckily I had my exams out of the way and graduation was coming up.

During a break from tour we stayed at Justin's house in LA and his mom came for a visit. I worked on renovating my hills house, so I could keep it. Though I wasn't entirely sure about that. Maybe I would sell it after the renovations were finished.

Ever since the trial was over I felt a lot better, lighter even like a ton of weight had been lifted off my shoulders. Life was good. I still missed my parents and Max like crazy, but this was my life now - without them. I had accepted that and it made things a lot easier for me. I had a ton of other amazing people to be grateful for.

Currently Justin and I were hanging out in the garden with Paris. She came over regularly to visit when we were around and I enjoyed having her.

"How's the album coming along?" Paris teased me.

"Justin?" I deferred the question with a smirk and he chuckled. "There is no album Paris."

"I thought you were writing again?"

"I am. Doesn't mean there'll be an album. I've been writing all my life and there never was an album." I pointed out.

"No - there's only one song that was ever published." She teased laughing.

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