Chapter 39 - Birthday girl

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Justin's point of view:

4 missed calls and a new text was what I found on my phone when I returned to my dressing room after the show. Feeling a mixture of worry and hope that Emma had been trying to reach me I unlocked my phone. The number was unknown to me so I opened the text.

"Hi, just heard about the stalker situation. I'm worried about her. Please call me back when you can. This is my new number btw. Paris."

To give myself a minute to prep for the call I took a shower and changed. Adrenaline was still rushing through my veins. The show tonight had been incredible - one of the best probably. The energy in the room was amazing, almost overwhelming. It was so much fun. In fact I didn't have as much fun as tonight for a while now. I made a mental note to tweet something later expressing my gratitude.

See the thing is I love my job and wouldn't trade it for the world. Doing these shows every night, traveling and working with a different crowd every night, entertaining them with my music, seeing them feel inspired by my words and moved by the music I put out there felt more than awesome. Jobwise I was the luckiest guy in the world, but I missed Emma. I wished I could just take her with me and have her keep me company every day, but that wouldn't be fair to her and most importantly she was way too talented and smart to take a backseat. That wouldn't do her any justice. Once that girl decided to fully pursue her talents and started putting out music all of us could go hide in shame somewhere far far away. She'd make all of us look like damn fools - first and foremost myself. Damn, as much as I'd hoped she would perform with me on the wedding, I dreaded it. That girl would make me look like an idiot in front of my family and friends. On the other hand I wanted to see her give it her all for once. I was beyond curious and had a feeling the times I had heard her sing she wasn't really giving it her best. Still every time I couldn't help but wonder how someone could ever be this talented and still chose to hang around me. Not saying I don't know shit, because I'm damn good at what I do, but still Emma would always beat me effortlessly. Sometimes I wondered if there was anything she sucks at... Deep in my heart I knew that one day when Emma fully is herself again she'd shock the world and startle the business like an earthquake with the natural results of her capabilities. My in comparison fairly incapable self could only hope to be able to say 'That's my girl!' when that happens. I prayed to god every day that she'd get through this horrible battle she was fighting. Hopefully I'd be good enough to help her.

Is it obvious that I'm madly in love?

Emma, right... the stalker incident... I definitely needed to call her later. She'd texted me during the day about meeting a fan so at least until then she was fine. Also she told me the preliminary injunction was filed, so that's a good thing I guess. Still, I was worried sick. I knew Hugo and the other guys would take good care of her, but what if the asshole came up with a gun or something? What if he still managed to abduct Emma? Nobody knew what he wanted and he must be totally mental if he showed up just to apologize so there was no way of predicting his next move, which scared the crap out of me. If only I could be with my girl and make sure she stays safe.

Now Paris was probably gonna be a worried mess. So, whatever she'd be saying and how bad she'd be freaking out I couldn't afford for her to get me even more on edge. Otherwise, I'd probably lose it and be on the next plane to Toronto.

When I sat in the car taking me to my hotel I checked my phone again and tweeted about the amazing show. Then I decided it was time to call Paris...

"Justin, thanks for calling me back. Finally! I'm worried sick! What the hell is going on?" What did I say?

"Paris, calm down. What did she tell you?"

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