Chapter 9 - Fill in the blanks

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Where the fuck am I? What the hell happened last night? What is that noise? I tried waking myself up but it was way too early. My head was thumping with a massive headache and I had no idea where I was.

"Turn that off!" Someone mumbled in a raspy morning voice next to me. The fuck? Is that- no fucking way!

"Dammit Emma answer your phone!" Alright, alright, phone? Nightstand? Yep!


"Hello Miss Lockwood, this is Dr. Meyer." My lawyer - great! I got up and walked away from the bed.

"Hello Dr. Meyer!" I greeted him.

"I have news, you won't like them..."

"Just tell me." A yawn escaped my lips and I tried my best not to let him hear. Gosh, everything was spinning.

"The driver called again and asked to talk to you so he could apologize." What the fuck?

"What?" I was in shock! That bastard! Today of all days? Seriously?

"Yeah... you don't have to talk to him, if you don't want to."

"I won't talk to him. I don't even care if that's bad for my case, but I don't wanna talk to him ever again! It's bad enough I'll have to see him in court." I rambled.

"It's fine, Miss. Actually it's not necessarily bad for your case. We can build it in."


"There's something else. They set a date for the oral hearing. It'll be in May next year. I'll email you the exact date."

"I have exams in May. Can we push it?"

"I'd rather not. It'll make it look like you don't care about the case and moved on..." Great!

"Oh... okay. Well just email me the date please and I'll try and figure something out."

"Good. Also we need to schedule at least one meeting ahead of the hearing for preparation. The rest we can do via phone."

"Alright. I'll be in touch as soon as I know when exactly I'll get to Germany. Thank you Dr. Meyer."

"Goodbye Miss."


I shut my phone. God, what the hell happened last night? Where am I? Shit! I lost it last night. I turned around to find Mr. Moneybags staring at me from the bed.

"What?" Why is he smirking?

"Nothing. Just enjoying the view." Oh crap! I looked down at myself and to find I was dressed in only my underwear.

"Shit!" He actually chuckled! Idiot! I rushed back to the bed and tried covering myself up a little with the sheets. I stared at Justin who watched my every move as I tried to read what happened from his face. Nothing. Shit!

"What?" He smirked at me.

"Nothing." I quickly looked away. Fuck! Why can't I remember a thing? Think Emma! Think! Alright... club... everyone left... just Justin and I... oh shit! Please no! I mean it's impossible, right? Even drunk me wouldn't hook up with Bieber, right? Then why am I in his bed? Oh god! And why am I almost naked?

"You have no idea how you ended up here, do you?" Shit! He knows. What am I gonna say?

"Uhm..." I started and he chuckled and propped himself up on his elbow looking at me expectantly. I rolled my eyes. Shit! What am I gonna say? "We danced together at that club, didn't we?"

He nodded. "Until nobody was there from our group, but us, right?"

"Wow, you remember. I'm impressed!" Justin pulled a face at me.

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