Chapter 6 - Uni

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"So you and Justin went out for coffee?" Lily wriggled her eyebrows at me. We were in the library on a lunch break in between study sessions.

I rolled my eyes at her. "You make it sound like we were on a date." She nodded. "We ran into each other when he took Jazzy shopping. Jazzy cried and asked me to join them for coffee, so I did. I really didn't wanna make her cry again. We had our coffee and that was it." I told her.

"So, do you like him?"

"Lily, I don't like him. Please stop playing matchmaker and drop it! It'll never happen." I told her annoyed. Seriously, what was she thinking?

"Come on! He's not all that bad. I mean he looks really good, you gotta at least admit that." She pressed.

I rolled my eyes at her. "To be honest. I don't know. I haven't checked him out. He probably doesn't look too bad for all the girls to be drooling over him, but I'm not interested!" And never will be!

"Alright, alright. Just asking." I nodded at her.

"Did you get something cute?" She asked me and I smirked remembering Mr. Moneybags drooling all over me. "What?"

"Yes I did." I told her.

"Why are you smiling like that?"

"Because Bieber drooled over me in that outfit like crazy." I laughed. "He wouldn't stop staring." She laughed with me.

"Emmaaaaa.... he likes you." Lily suggested.

I laughed again. "He can drool all he wants, it's not gonna get him anywhere."

"I like you playing with him like that. He probably doesn't get a 'no' from girls very often, so it's good to put him in his place every once in a while." She laughed with me.

We continued to study and soon exams rolled around. Mr. Moneybags was long gone again and I was busy with school. My first semester here was almost over. The past couple of weeks I had practically lived in the library. I looked like a ghost with huge bags under my eyes, but today was my last exam.

After exams Christmas was threatening. It was mid December already and my family kept bugging me about coming over, but I was scared. My family in Germany would be busy feeling sorry for themselves and I didn't wanna watch that and make myself feel even more miserable. Elton, my godfather, and David, his husband, had offered I could spend Christmas with them and I would really like to. Ever since... they had taken me in like a daughter. They cared for em deeply and I was so blessed to have them in my life. Still, I didn't even want to know that Christmas took place so
I contemplated going traveling by myself. Hawaii sounded nice. Sun, no snow so no Christmas spirit, which was good and a nice hostel with lots of bagpackers who were sick of their families and a lot of alcohol to get me through the day - that would be my thing.

After I got home from my exam I booked and informed my family of my plans. They didn't like it, but they would have to just deal with it. Now, tomorrow threatened. Tomorrow would be the anniversary, just like the day after. I had been good at pushing the thoughts away for the past couple of days. I already knew what was gonna happen. Me, a lot of red wine, some of Max's sweaters, photos, home videos and a lot of tears. Luckily this year I didn't have access to an R8 and the Autobahn... today I would go out with the girls nevertheless. I mean, I might as well start early with being drunk, right?

"So Emma, what are your plans for the break?" Sarah questioned as we sat in the car driving to Toronto.

"I'm going to Germany to see my family for a couple of days and after that I'll go traveling." I informed her.

"Nice, where to?" Lily asked.

"I booked a trip to Hawaii today." I smiled at her. Me and lily sat in the back. Sarah was driving also there was Torrie. She had joined our group a couple of weeks ago. I had done a group presentation with her and we kinda bonded.

While we all got ready I told the girls about this guy in one of my classes that wouldn't stop hitting on me. He had tried to get with me for an entire semester.

"Why don't you go on a date with him?" Torrie questioned.

"I don't know. He's not my type at all. I thought about it, but he's way too uptight and businessy for me, you know. He's always wearing shirts that are perfectly ironed by his mum probably and he's always so formal..." I explained.

"I see..." Sarah chipped in.

"Yeah, you need a more chill guy. Someone you can goof around with and have fun with. Someone that can take your sassy self without taking it personal." Lily added and laughed.

"I knowww..." I replied and we all laughed.

Eventually it was time to go after we killed our first bottle of Prosecco.

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