Chapter 5 - Shopping

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The next couple of days I spend studying hard for my exams. Mostly I got up and left for the Library right away so I could get myself to focus. At home there was too much distraction. I actually managed to get a lot of work done - I finished two papers and also did my part for a group presentation and the corresponding paper. So on day three I decided to reward myself a little and went to the mall. I usually did my shopping alone, because here nobody knew I was kinda liquid if you know what I mean and I'd like to keep it that way. If people knew about the money, they'd ask questions as to where it came from and I wasn't ready to discuss my family and past, so I did my best to hide it. So far I was doing great - or at least I believed so. If in doubt I always looked at Sarah and what she did moneywise and made sure I didn't go as crazy as her - or at least not make it known. However, I still was a spoiled kid so I liked to go shopping at certain shops and I liked to buy brand clothes, only I made sure they wouldn't show off the prize tag or at least only people knowing the brands would know. I'd never go out with a Chanel purse, if you know what I mean.

Here I was at the mall going crazy again. I didn't go shopping very often but when I did, I went nuts and made my credit card burn. Currently I found myself at a boutique and skimmed through the clothes racks. The boutique was great. They had really cute clothes and a huge children's section. I made a mental note to go baby shopping here in case I ever get pregnant. A beautiful yet simple blue dress caught my eyes. "You should try it." I looked up confused and found a sincere smile on one of the venders. I smiled back. "I'm sure it'll look good on you." He encouraged. The guy was obviously gay - not that I'd mind, it just caught my eye immediately. "You think?"

"Yeah, I'm sure. Want me to set up a dressing room for you?" I nodded at him and continued my stroll. I found a couple cute tops as well. Eventually I started changing and trying things on. I heard the guy talk to some customers that just entered. I tried the tops first and decided on getting some of them, but not all. Then I changed into the dress. It was a neck holder with a bare back. Also it barely covered the sides of my boobs. It was short but long enough to not make me look slutty. I would have to wear a cute statement necklace with it. The blue was also really great with my skin and hair color. I loved the outfit and felt really pretty and comfortable.

"Tried the dress, yet? I wanna see." The vendor pressed and chuckled. Smiling I stepped out of the dressing room.

"You look gorgeous! Let me get you some accessories real quick." He rushed off and was back a minute later with a nice black, white and gold statement necklace and a matching clutch purse.

"Nice." I commented.

"What size shoes do you wear, dear?"

"Uhm, I'm a eight and a half." He rushed off again and came back with a beautiful pair of black booty heals. It had golden accessories. I put everything on and he went back into the store to help some customers he was talking to earlier.

I walked into the store to try out the heels. "You look absolutely stunning, dear!" The vendor cheered again. "Doesn't she look stunning?" He asked one of the customers as I checked myself out in a mirror. I turned around slightly embarrassed he talked to other customers about me and I locked eyes with none other than Mr. Moneybags. Great!

"Emma!" Jazzy cheered and rushed toward me. I hugged her. "Hello there, dear. How are you doing?" I asked crouching in front of her. "Justin is taking me shopping." She smiled brightly at me. "Nice." I commented with a smile. Making up for no time for our siblings again, are we? Of course he would just drop a mountain of cash on them to make him feel better. I got back up and faced Mr. Moneybags. He was staring at me.

"Uhm... hello... you... look stunning." He stuttered and I smiled.

"See dear, even Justin Bieber thinks you look gorgeous!" The vendor chipped in. As if that was gonna make me buy this outfit. I rolled my eyes and chuckled at that.

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